Podcast #33 - Expanding the Perspective

"Vitarka Badhane Pratipaksa Bhavanam" When disturbed by disturbing thoughts, think of the opposite.
The class is based on the Jivamukti Focus of the Month and the original publish date was Aug 12, 2012

I am certain that this class is as close to whatever David Life must have taught in Woodstock. Usually each year, I’d come back from Woodstock and I’d try to distill down one of the workshops into an open class as best I could, so that I was bringing as close to what Sharon and David were teaching back direcly to the students, transmitting the teachings as faithfully as possible. I do remember David taught a very similar workshop - oriented around the root word ‘tanu’ - to expand and that he also taught a very long pacchimottanasana. As I try to do here in open class, but of course a 100 breath Pacchimottānāsana would have been something close to ten minutes — so here its five but if you have more time you can certainly experience that for yourself


Welcome. My name is Jessica . Anybody brand new to Jivamukti? First time ever? Ah veterans, like it. Okay, so in that case, you you will probably know the first chant we're going to do which is on page four and it's number four. You probably if you've been to Jivamukti, you like more than twice, maybe you might not even need to look at your chant book anymore.

And then we're going to look at page. Sixteen fifteen. And it's about the fifth one up from the bottom Roman numeral, two number thirty, three vitarka bodhinay protein. Okay, we're going to do both of those.

”May all beings everywhere… including the one I just made an exception for… yes, including the one. Be happy and free. And may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life, contribute in some way, to that happpiness and to that freedom for all.
Make me an instrument, for thy will, not mine bu thine be done. Free me from anger, jealousy and fear. FREE ME FROM ANGER JEALOUSY AND FEAR. Fill my heart with joy and compassion.

Vitarka Bhadane pratipaksa bhavanam

Oh, you guys will have that one by the end of the month, for sure. At the beginning of the month, that's always like errrr, ummm by the end of the month, you'll be like whoo, oh that's that's kind of how learning works right at first you kind of, um mimic a little bit and try to pick up what you can and maybe it's only a partial word or a sound that your brain grabs onto but then over time right you become more and more at ease with the words with repetition right so the first chant that we.

That we sing together it means what we said it meant free me from anger jealousy and fear fill my heart with joy and compassion. And the second chant ‘vitarka bhadane pratipaksa bhavanam’ It means: when disturbed by disturbing thoughts think of the opposite. Think of the opposite that doesn't necessarily mean like if I'm angry I'm supposed to just like think happy thoughts and unicorns and kittens okay think of the opposite.
Well, in some circumstances that can be a helpful strategy in some circumstances, it can be helpful to just try to feel another feeling that can work sometimes. But I think it's helpful to think of the opposite in a different way, check this out. Anger, jealousy, fear. Those feelings come from having a narrow perspective those feelings come from my ability to see the world and to see my situation only through my pair of eyes only through my limited perspective. Compassion love those are expansive feelings those come maybe from from a perspective of being able to like literally see the other person's perspective or at least imagine the other person's perspective or to imagine or feel the whole room or maybe the whole city or maybe the whole planet right expansive versus a narrow focus. So perhaps the advice to think of the opposite is actually the advice to take a different perspective. The changing the perspective from the narrow view to the expansive view to stretch out our perspective if you will kind of like what we do here in yoga class, we stretch out our bodies.

In fact, the word āsana, which is the word that we use for the physical postures that we take the word āsana, sometimes means to take the perspective of meaning that all practice long we take the perspective of a mountain we take the perspective of a tree. We take the perspective of a bird. We take the perspective of a star. In some cases, we take the perspective of a deity right like Nataraja or you know, Isis the you know, Egyptian goddess, um.

This could help. This could help. When disturbed by disturbing thoughts have you ever like kind of either done the perspective shift back where you're like, okay, like given my place in the universe what does my problem look like to the perspective of either this week or this month or will I remember it in a year or how about a lifetime or how about several lifetimes or how about in the scope of the life of the planet or in the life of this galaxy right put from the perspective of the galaxy?

My little trials and tribulations on a Monday don't seem that significant probably. It's not to say they don't matter. They matter tremendously everything matters but the point is the perspective shift can help us get some perspective right or to go into the very very small. You can also take it the other way which is not to say that it's a narrow view it's expansive in a different way does that make sense?

Like what is my what is my situation look like to a you know, fish or a butterfly or an ant or an atom or that God particle thing that they found right? Not too bad.

I think there was something else. I wanted to say but I think we'll move and I'll remember what it was. So, let's come into. Oh, yes. This is very important. Rest of the class. Okay, so there's there's a word for expansion in Sanskrit that word is tanu tanu means to expand or to stretch to get expansive to expand.

And bhutanasana, that's where we get the word utanasana, which is the sunscript word for our standing forward bend. Tanu of utanasana means to stretch out or to expand to feel expansive. So, that's what we're going to do. Okay, come forward into hands and knees. We're going to start in a downward.

Facing. Dog will have lots of time to explore uttanasana and other expansive asanas as we move through.

Thank you darling.

And we can start by expanding the breath. So just start by noticing which half of the breath seems to be longer or fuller than the other half of the breath. Maybe maybe the exhale is deeper fuller longer than the inhale and then work towards stretching out towards expanding the inhale so that it matches the exhale.

So first we're starting by stretching out our breath in both directions matching up the inhales and the exhales.

And then slowly start to walk the feet up towards the hands, but then stop when you get about 10 inches behind the hands. Meaning you're not walking all the way up but to the space between your hands, but you're gonna leave a little distance between your feet and your hands.

Press your hands down into something. If they don't press the floor, they compress into blocks. So your feet are flat on the floor and your hands are flat on the floor. You're pressing down into the hands and feet so much that perhaps you feel a lift. Ing up through the ankles and the wrists.

And if that seems a little esoteric for the time being bend your knees and press your hands down. Then don't worry come back to it later. Put it on the shelf. Okay keeping your heels down and keeping your hips right where they are in space. In other words, don't move your hips forward.

But lift up on your fingertips, don't move your hips just walk your fingertips as far forward as they will go without shifting the hips forward. Mm-hmm fingertips are walking forward. Feel like you're getting longer through the spine all the way from tailbone to crown of head like you're stretching making more space between each and every vertebra of the spine expanding.

And then also, Feel expansion across the front of the chest, but also across the back. Of the chest like the shoulder blades are spreading across the back. Now keep that sense of expansion in the upper body don't collapse down just start to walk the hands back towards the feet.

Maybe the hands come a little closer to the feet than they did before. Maybe not that's okay too but the main thing is to feel that expansion across the front of the body the back of the body down the length of the spine. And then separate the feet as wide as the width of the mat.

Bend the knees and come into a squatting position hands together at the center of the chest. Sit up tall in the front of the spine meaning length all the way from pubic bone to your chin.

Inhaling. Exhaling a full breath out. And then inhale to a comfortable level and begin a round of cupola tea breathing short sharp exhalations through the nose. If you're not sure you can listen to folks around you.

Emphasizing the exhale and just letting the inhale happen as a as a rebound as a reaction to the exhale.

Start to slow the pumpings down.

Exhale completely. Inhale bring the hands to the floor and exhale fold forward over the legs. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. And exhale bend the knees come back into a deep squatting position and together the center of the chest. Actually this time reach the arms up overhead and grab opposite upper arms.

Good and begin short sharp exhalations, push the back of your head into your arms, mmm, try to bring the spine upright. I know it's hard.

And then start to slow the pumpings down. Bring the hands to the floor and extend forward over the legs. Bring the feet in our hip distance apart soften the knees tuck the chin onto the chest and then slowly roll all the way up to standing.

Bring the feet together arms alongside the body. Hmm, maybe there is currently some situation or conflict or misunderstanding in your life that you could use some perspective on and so you're dedication to class could be to find an expansive perspective one that takes into account more than more than just the narrow perspective of anger jealousy or fear or disappointment.

Maybe exhale a breath out completely. Inhale reach the arms overhead press palms together, look up. Exhale fold in half. Bring the hands to the floor utah. Nasana. Inhale lift the head in the chest. Exhale step or jump back to Chaturanga. Inhale upward facing dog point the toes. Exhale downward facing dog hips back.

Inhale. Exhale one. Inhale. Exhale two inhale. Exhale three. Inhale exhale four. Inhale.

Hop or step the feet to the half. Exhale fold forward. Inhale stand up reach the arms overhead gaze towards thaw exhale release the arms. Inhale reach up gaze towards the thumbs. Exhale fold in half hems to the earth. Inhale lift the head in the chest. Exhale catch it on down.

Inhale upward facing exhale downward facing inhale. Exhale one. Inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three. Inhale. Exhale fold.

Exhale bend the knees inhale hop or step the feet to the hand. Exhale fold forward. Inhale stand up reach arms overhead, exhale tadasana. Inhale reach up gaze up exhale fold in half. Inhale lift the head and chest exhale shut the donga. Inhale upward face exhale downward dog inhale. Exhale.

Exhale to. Inhale. Exhale.

Exhale force. Inhale exhale bend the knees inhale hop or step forward. Exhale fold forward inhale stand up recharms overhead exhale release the arms inhale hook thumbs reach up arch back, exhale bed knees swing arms behind lace the fingers fold forward inhale hands down step the right foot back to lunge look up exhale downward facing dog.

Inhale forward to plank pole exhale chat to ranga inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing dog inhale forward to playing exhale lower the knees the chest and the chin inhale point the toes slide forward cobra, exhale tuck toes seat to heels then extend the legs down. Inhale step the right foot forward to lunge look up exhale left foot next to right fold in half inhale bend knees took thumbs reach up arch back extend legs of the top, exhale bend knees swing arms behind lace the fingers extend arms and legs inhale hands down step the left foot back to line exhale downward facing dog.

Inhale come forward to plank exhale lower chatanga. Inhale upward facing exhale downward facing inhale plank pulls exhale lower the knees the chest and the chin inhale slide forward cobra, exhale tuck toes. CT heels then extend the legs downward dog. Inhale step the left foot forward to lunge look forward exhale right foot next to left fold in half inhale bend knees hook thumbs reach up arch back extend legs exhale release the arms inhale deeply bend the knees reach arms up exhale hands down fold forward, utah nasana inhale lift the head in the chest.

Exhale step or jump back chat to donga. Inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing dog inhale step the right foot forward left heel down lift up to warrior one. Exhale hands down step back and lower chest it under. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog inhale left foot forward warrior one.

Exhale hands down step back and lower chested onga inhale upward dog. Exhale downward dog, breathe in. Breathe out one. Breathe in. Breathe out too good breathe, no more space, breathe out, three, breathe in. Breathe out for. Breathing. Breathe out bend the knees look forward inhale hop or step the feet forward to the hands.

Exhale fold over the legs inhale deeply bend the knees reach arms up with catharsana, exhale stand up release the arms tadasana now arms alongside the body as you exhale bend both knees, but don't tip the spine forward keep the spine upright upright pour them upright aha inhale extend the left.

Exhale bend. Inhale extend exhale one, two, three, four, inhale, two three, four, exhale, two three, four, inhale, two three, four, exhale, two, three, four, inhale, two three four, now exhale bend for two extend for two and then lift. Up onto your toes to and heals down for two ready bend to extend to lift up to heal down good keep going yeah keep going on your own.

I'm not gonna count anymore you're gonna count, ah, beautiful one more.

Lift up and stay there squeeze the inner knees inner heels squeeze every part of the leg that can possibly be together towards each other like you have one strong sturdy leg good and then just just to test see if you can lift your right foot off the floor bend your right knee aha and then put your right foot back down and lift your left foot up bend to the left knee.

Dancing is optional and then release good this time stay high up on both dippy toes, keep the heels lifted bend the knees good now keep the knees bent press the heels down keep the knee extend the legs and let's reverse it bend the knees keep the knees bent lift the heels up that.

That's it. Then extend the legs lift tall. Then keep the heels lifted bend the knees. And then press the heels down. Good extend the legs. And stretch the left foot forward pointing the left foot and then as you exhale circle your left foot out in a circle out to no just the foot not the whole leg just ankle roll your ankle basically.

Yeah, there you go. And then in two three, four, and then exhale flex your left foot. Inhale point. Exhale flex. Inhale points exhale flex inhale point the foot keep the footpointed exhale just curl the toes back inhale exhale you're in the ball of the right foot towards the floor even though it's not touching yet exhale two and they'll feel inner leg and outer legs stretching reaching exhale three inhale place the ball of the left foot to the floor as you lift the right heel both heals lifting.

Exhaling bend both knees reach both arms forward to shoulder height palms face up. Don't tip the spine forward keep it upright. Inhale extend legs arms alongside the body. Exhale bend knees, perfect, ladies. Inhale extend legs. Exhale bend. Inhale extend lift some pelvic floor. Moolah Bunda. Exhale bend. Inhale extend exhale release the right heel to the floor.

Inhale hug the left knee into the chest and lace the hands under the left side. Exhale flex the left foot and extend the left leg. Inhale point the foot and bend the knee. Exhale flex the foot extend the leg. Inhale point and then. Exhale flax extend feet the leg extended point the toes.

Inhale arms, reach up. Exhale one. Inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three. Inhale. Exhale four inhale exhale keep the left leg where it is, bring the arms alongside the body bend the right knee and bend the left knee both knees are deeply bent. Start to bring the knees together and bring the chest parallel to the floor only careful, don't don't go so far forward that your tipping below parallel bring both hands to your buttocks.

And then keeping both knees bent kick your left heel up to the ceiling so your left knee is still bend your left thigh is parallel to the floor and you're kicking the heel up to the ceiling like you want to put a footprint up there then on an inhale extend your legs reach the fingertips towards the back of the room exhale one.

Inhale. Exhale two flex the left foot flex, exhale three inhale. Exhale four. In. Exhale five inhale stand up bring the feet together, exhale tadasana mountain coal stretch the right leg forward point the right toes and then roll the right ankle out to three four, and then in a circle to three four, and then exhale flex the right foot inhale points.

Exhale flex. Inhale points. Exhale flex inhale point the foot keep the foot pointed but flex just the toes back like a Barbie doll foot inhale exhale one ball of the right foot yearning towards the floor exhale two feel both sides of the legs stretching and yearning exhale three good inhale place the ball of the right foot to the floor as you lift the left heel both heels lifting high.

Exhale bend the knees reach the arms forward to shoulder height good inhale extend the legs arms alongside body, exhale bend the knees offer the hands forward inhale extend. Exhale bends. Inhale extend. Exhale bend good inhale extend the legs exhale lower the left heel down inhale hug the right knee into the chest and lace the fingers under the right thigh exhale flex the right foot extend the right leg inhale point the foot and bend the knee exhale flex and extend inhale point and bend exhale flex and extend keep the leg extended point the toes in.

Hale arms up exhale one inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three. Inhale. Exhale four. Inhale. Exhale five release the arms bend the right knee bend the left knee bring both knees together together keep both knees bent as you tip the back parallel to the floor only don't tip further than parallel then bring your hands to your hips hands to your buttocks and make sure you don't lift one hip-hop or drop one hip down as you extend both legs arms reaching alongside the body for warrior three breathe in.

Breathe out one. Breathe breathe breathe out to stretch the back leg even more breathe out three extend the back leg expand and all directions in other words don't get smaller don't shrink in the face of difficulty get bigger expand, yes inhale lift up feet together, exhale tadasana mountain pose harder than it looks turn to face the right hand side of the room.

And step the feet wide apart at least one leg length or so. Turn the right toes out to the right and turn the left toes even at a little bit of an angle inhale float the arms up to shoulder height, exhale reach all the way out to the right right hand to right shin or ankle or even hold the big toe breathe in.

Breathe out one. Breathe. Breathe out to. Inhale left arm reaches straight up exhale three straight up to the ceiling. Exhale four. Inhale. Exhale five inhale lift all the way up to stand exhale release the arms and switch the feet left toes to the left right toes in at a little bit of an angle inhale float the arms up exhale reach all the way out to the left left hand to left shin ankle or even hold the big toe inhale.

Exhale one. Inhale. Exhale to. Inhale. Exhale three. Inhale. Exhale form. Inhale. Exhale five inhale lift all the way up to standing exhale release the arms and switch your feet right toes out to the right left toes in at an angle now looking at your left foot make sure that your left toes are actually physically angled towards your body yeah so parallel isn't quite enough good inhale float the arms up to shoulder height, exhale bend the right knee for your two if the knee goes easily past the ankle expand your stance.

Make your stance longer move your right foot farther away. That's it. Now turn the palms of the hands to face the ceiling. You can go ahead and look straight ahead towards the wall, we're facing feel the shoulder blade sliding down the back. Keep the shoulder blades sliding down the back lift both arms up and press the palms together.

Reaching up through the fingertips lift through all sides of the waist feel the whole way is to lengthening front sides back good reaching up through the fingertips get longer. And then bring the arms out to a t-shape and then keeping the shoulders sliding down the back just flip the palms and gently turn the head to gaze over the right hand.

Good breathing here. Breathe. Breathe. And breathe out good inhale extend the right leg. Exhale release the arms and switch the feet left toes to the left right toes in at an angle. Inhale float the arms up shoulder height. Exhale bend the left knee. Warrior two. Good. Now, make sure that your stance is expensive if you need to move your stance do that.

Turn the palms of the hands to face the ceiling feel the shoulders sliding away from the ears without lifting the shoulder blades up lift, the arms up press the palms together. Reach up through the fingertips and don't lift the shoulders up instead lift up through the waist. So you can feel all sides of the waist all 360 degrees of the waist the lengthening and lifting Keep all that length and all that lift as you bring the arms out into a t-shape and then keep the shoulder blade sliding down on the back as you turn the palms of the hands.

To face the floor gently, turn your head to gaze over the left hand.

Inhaling extend the left leg. Exhaling release your arms and switch your feet right toes to the right left toes in at an angle. Inhale float the arms up. Exhale bend the right knee place the right hand outside of the right foot and then reach the left arm up and over the left ear for extended side angle.

Inhale. Exhale one push arm into knee knee into arm and then spin the chest open exhale two press the outer edge of the back foot exhale three inhale. Exhale four. Inhale. Exhale five inhale lift all the way up to standing woohoo. Exhale release the arms and switch the feet left toes out right toes in at an angle.

Inhale arms up. Exhale bend the left knee left hand outside of the left foot right arm stretches up and over the right ear. Inhale. Exhale ones spin the chest open. Exhale to see if you can internally find any areas of congestion and find a way to expand to stretch to make space instead of gripping or tension.

Inhale lift all the way up to standing extend both legs. Exhale release the arms parallel the feet and then and then turn the toes just a little bit intowards each other, so a little bit more than parallel. If you can be more than parallel, I don't even know if that's possible hands grab your hips.

Inhale lift up the chest. Exhale fold forward over both legs. To the floor. And as you inhale expand across the front of the chest feel broad across the front of the chest, but also broad across the back across the shoulder blades. Lift the belly button into the body. Keep that sense of expansion and openness across the front and the back as you bring the head towards the floor and adjust your hands in such a way that you can make a 90 degree angle in your wrist and your shoulder one of those called elbows.

I studied anatomy. Okay.

Inhale extend the arms look forward. And then step your feet a little wider.

Okay from here now, you're gonna step your feet a little wider.

And then step your feet a little wider.

And a little wider.

And a little wider. Yeah, keep going keep the feet active so either the feet can press the floor or they can be flexed but keep them doing something an active participant in this organism. Yeah. The organism called your leg or the organism called your body or the organism of the classroom what whatever perspective you want to look at.

Okay, now slowly walk the feet all the way together so that you're in a standing forward bend. Hooray.

Bring the hands on the mat, but then line up the tips of your fingers with the edge of the mat that you're facing and then keeping the feet on the surface of the mat walk the feet back so that the heels are at the other edge of the map opposite of your hands.

Yeah. As you inhale lift the right leg to the right side flex the right foot. Keep the right leg going out directly to the right not to the back. And then lift your left arm directly to the left.

Suppress. Him yes.

Exhale really. Inhale lift the left leg to the left side left foot flexes. Exhale lift the right arm off. The right arm is parallel to the side of your mat and the left leg is parallel to the side of your mat, so it's not kicking out behind you. It's going directly to the left side.

Hmm. It just.

And then exhale release. Good, um take any version of an utanasana that you would like so you can grab hold of your toes you can slide palms under soles of feet, you can grab the ankles. Explorer version of you know, some kind of forward bend.

And then switch it up whichever grip you were doing or whatever you were doing find a different way. And fold forward.

Come and relieve. D the knees and tuck the chin onto the chest and slowly head comes up last slowly roll all the way up to standing.

Take your right foot and place it outside of your left foot. Do your best to extend both legs, but it may not totally completely happen, that's okay. Reach the right arm up. Reach the right fingertips up so much that you can feel the whole right side of the body and then exhale lean over to the left stretching the right side of the body feel a connection all the way from your right foot in like a sea curve all the way up the body to this all the way to the fingertips reach the fingertips, like you could shoot lovers out of your fingertips.

That's not the face. I'd be making if I could shoot lovers out of my fingertips. Inhale lift up exhale release switch your feet left foot outside of the right foot, do your best to extend the legs reach the left arm up and just by reaching up feel the left side of the body and then exhale lean over to the right reaching the fingertips.

Crossing the left foot down and reaching out to the fingertips so feeling that whole electric chronic energetic shape.

Inhaling lift up exhaling release the arms and bring the feet together in the regular way in the usual arrangement bend the left knee into the chest. Carry the left knee out to the side and place the sole of the left foot to the right inner thigh start with the hands together at the center of the chest and they'll reach the arms up exhale release the left hand to the left side now first before any bending happens just stretch the right fingertips up to the ceiling feel the whole side of the body then exhale bend over to the left.

Reach a little further see if you can bring the left fingertips almost all the way to the floor. Reach a little further see if you can bring the left finger tips all the way to the floor touch the floor. Okay. I'm leaving so far over to the left that you tip over.

Go ahead. Come on we don't have time for me to come around and push you all over so. Wait because so we won't we won't necessarily know how far we can extend into that unless we play with the boundary a little bit, you know, okay if we never make it to the boundary we'll never like know how far we could go all right bend the right knee into the chest fold the right knee out to the side press the sole of the right foot to the left inner thigh hands together.

Reach the arms up left hand to left side right hands to right side reach the left fingertips up and then bend over to the right stretching all the way out through the fingertips.

Oh and then go ahead and bend all the way go go, so far that you just go ahead and tip over don't worry the worst thing that happens is you put your foot down. Right and then what's the big deal, don't worry the person next you will still know that you're a level seven yogi, you know because none of us came into this room going like I'm coming to yoga so I can be more of a tight ass, no.

Became to like, you know compassion love expansion that's what we're going for okay feet together tadasana bend the left knee into the chest grab hold of the left big toe yoga carry your left leg out to the side and then begin to extend the left leg only extend the left leg in so much as you can keep the right leg straight so right leg first then play with the left leg, mm-hmm.

The left knee carry the left knee forward exhale release the left foot bend the right knee into the chest grab hold of the right big toe yoga toe lock and then carry the right knee to the right side and begin to extend the right leg without sacrificing the strength and the stability of the left leg.

Bend the right knee carry it forward and exhale release the right foot, okay beautiful. Um, But just will be my beautiful assistant wonderful, okay, let's all come let's come together right now over bitches, okay, yeah come okay, so a lot of the asanas a lot of the shapes they have like an ideal geometric shape right you might hear teachers say like, you know, you want your handstand to be, you know, straight up and down a tadasana upside down.

Functionally speaking if most of us, um do a handstand in the beat in the center of the room there's a little bit of compromise there might be a little bit of curve because the whole thing is a compromise between what the hips are doing and what the lower back is doing and what so it doesn't always go to that ideal geometric shape but we're gonna try and feel that now anyway, okay, so go ahead and just come into handstand against the wall like the way you would normally.

Okay. Yeah. Hands are pretty far from the wall. It's okay, nothing wrong with it. When our hands are far from the wall, she can kind of just do the same banana shape that we kind of tend to do. It's okay too. It has its place come down. The closer she brings her hands to the wall bring your fingertips all the way up to the wall all the way.

You're gonna have to drop your head for this one. The closer she brings her fingertips to the wall and this is why you need a partner is 'cause it's harder to get up there. The closer she can come to that geometric extension that expansion right? Uton. A sorry Tanu tanu extension.

So as her partner, I'm not only helping her kind of stay stuck to the wall, but I'm gonna tell her to flex her feet. She's gonna reach her heels up like she wants to touch the ceiling with her feet. Did you see that? Yeah, and then it actually kind of helps to keep stuck to the wall to go ahead and draw the chin up towards the chest helps me anyway.

You can experiment with that. Okay, come on now. So we're gonna quickly break up into pairs and you're gonna help your partner get up into a handstand going as close to the wall as you dare and if you if you're feeling particularly daring you can turn the hands sideways and put your thumbs right up against the wall.

Count about 10 breaths in a handstand shape like this and as the partner, yes, you're gonna cue them till push their heels up you're gonna cue their ribs against the you know to pull into the body chin to chest you're gonna help them with their line. Men, but you're also going to breathe with them and be part of what's going on, yes.

Yay. All right, let's go into pairs. You don't need to move your mats around or anything. You can just use the the floor like we did. Now, it is a wall exercise so go to the wall.

Yeah, it's meant to be done against the wall because we're feeling a particular thing today. Who doesn't have a partner? Who doesn't have a partner come?

Or just.

Even if you can do a perfect center handstand.

Wow, that's pretty good. Okay, you can teach the class now. Okay, now next time you try this. I want you to go here with it. Put your hands like this, okay.

What is this? Get your hands way closer to the wall. Yes, good girl, tuck your chin into your chest, there you go. You want to feel that like pasting yourself back onto the wall.

S both partners have gone go ahead and come back to your mat. So drop your head for this one drop your head.

Once both partners have had the experience come back to your mask.

And then. When you're back on your mat try forearm stand.

Just try to find some extension some expansion within the forum stand if you're working on kicking that's fine, if you're holding though use those same wall techniques imagine the walls behind your back up here all the way put your thumbs right up against the crease, oh yeah do it there you go now go.

It's way harder.

For your chin towards your chest.

Okay. Nice everybody look at those firm stands, okay, come on down and rest.


Means rest.

Stretch the arms forward. List the fingers into a fist palms and wrist touching make sure that elbows are a little narrower than your shoulders, which means a little narrower than you think they need to be put your head to the floor between your forearms tuck your toes under and lift the knees away from the floor.

Hug one knee into the chest and follow with the other. And then point both knees up to the ceiling. And then point both feet up to the ceiling. Again, see if you can imagine that the that the wall. Is right behind your back and that you're extending expanding the shape just like we didn't handstand tried to recreate that feeling here in your headstand practice.

Optionally keep the left leg going straight up and down. Ring the right leg forward and try to touch the right toes as close to the floor as possible without displacing the left leg too much. A little bit of displacement will probably happen, but try.

And then lift the right leg up legs together. Keep the right leg going straight up. Try not to move the right leg bring the left toes forward. Mm-hmm. Better.

And lift up both legs together. See if you can bring both legs to 90 degrees parallel with the floor see your toes.

And lift back up. And then coming down through bent knees. Rest in a child's pole.

Lay down in the abdomen. Arms alongside the body palms of the hands facing up. Inhale lift the head chest and legs up shall of asana.

Exhale really.

Bending the knees reach back and hold on to the ankles. Inhale lift up done your asana.

Exhale really.

Bend the knees reach back and hold the ankle. Inhale lift up. Done your asana.

Exhale really.

Roll over onto the back. Bring the soles of the feet to the floor.

Move the hips in the back away from the floor lace the hands into a fist behind the back extending the arms.

Move your feet back like three inches, yeah.

You just get more and more beautiful every time I see you. Glowing. Release your back. Place the hands next to the ears. Exhale a breath. Inhale lift upward on your asana.

Exhale release.


Place hands and feet get ready exhale. Inhale lift all the way up.

Exhaling really.

Place hands and feet, get ready. Exhale. Inhale lift up.

If you would like to expand your utanasana into a few more breaths, you may otherwise you can come down.

When you're done take the soles of the feet together knees out to the sides. Don't rush though, you can take your time if you need a little more time.

And hug both knees into the chest take both knees over to the left side of your body as you look to the right.

Bring knees into chest and go the other way.

Bring knees into chest, come on up to a seated position, you can stay facing this direction just extend both legs along the floor. Reflects the feet sit up nice and tall and exhale fold forward past your motana seated forward bend.

Er works standing the back body tanu the backs of the legs and the back of the torso.

Lengthening out of any compression, you might be feeling so sometimes sometimes all it takes is to lift a little bit away from the pose and then reapproach it with a little more extension.

One way to extend or expand is to go. Past the normal five or ten or even fifteen breaths in the pose to expand the amount of time the amount of breath that we're in a polls how many breaths did that so far. No one was counting.

Could go to a hundred breaths.

Even if you're used to going to a hundred breaths if that's part of your practice, you could expand across practices in other words, you could expand across all the times you've taken past your motana yesterday's practice, tomorrow's practice and beyond.

The perspective of the overall trajectory of posthumotenasana over a lifetime.

Well, we could just mire ourself into this one experience of motion and assume that that's the only one there is. That doesn't sound like as much fun.

Hailing slowly lift up. Feet to the floor hands behind the back fingertips point forward. Tuck the chin into the chest and then lift up tabletop.

Sometimes when my teacher is teach a long question much nasana, like at first I resisted I'm like, oh no everything's so achy and hamstrings are tight and this and that and then by the time a hundred breasts comes around. I'm like, no, I don't want to come home.

Right, even your perspective within the pose changes even within a few breaths in the pose. Or maybe you think you've spent too long in tabletop and you're like yes out of here, okay release each of the floor. Fold the knees out to the sides. Press the heels together and tilt forward over the legs bottom.

Lift up out of the pose and sit up tall in the spine and remember the expansion across the front of the chest as you come forward don't sacrifice the expansion don't close down keep the tips of the shoulders moving away from each other as you tilt forward. Maybe you can't go as get your nose as close to the floor as you could previously but that's not really the point.

Never has been.

Lifting up bringing the knees together. And then make your way into shoulder stand practice. So lumbar serving gazana.


Squeeze the legs together and energetically reach up through the legs, so it feels like you're lifting up out of the heaviness of the pose out of the weight of the pose. Make it lighter.

Keep the right leg where it is. Bring the left toes as close to the floor behind your head, as you can without displacing the right leg too much.

Then lift the right leg up legs together and without displacing the right leg too much bring the left toes to the floor behind the head. Try to keep the leg extending.

Branch up through this leg good. And then bring the legs together and now both legs toes finding the floor behind the head. If the toes don't find the floor, keep your hands on your back. If the toes do find the floor lace the hands into a fist plow pose, halasana.

You can stand Halasana or bend the knees and point the toes. Carnapidasana.

Slowly roll onto the back.

Fish pose. Matthiasana. Crown of the edge of the floor, as you puff the chest up arching the upper bath.

Chindicht Release onto the back. And then come on up to a seated position for meditation practice.

Set up a comfortable seat. And then don't move. If something starts to get uncomfortable make a mental note and don't sit the same way tomorrow. But for today's stick with this seat.

Without controlling the breath or changing the breath. Simply watch the breath.

In fact, instead of being involved in the act of breathing see if you can slide your perspective back a little bit and become the witness to the breath. Observing each inhale and each exhale.

Stay in the perspective of the witness even as thoughts come and go.

Witnessing a thoughts arise without getting tangled up in them.


Shove us in our.

Strategy deep in the breathing.

It's been some movement into the body.

Make your way up to a seated position.

Let's stay in that perspective of the witness. All day long every day. Just pulling the perspective back that much gives space to whatever is going on. Be relaxed. Take your relaxation very seriously.

Be so relaxed and spacious that you can actually comfort other people by giving them enough space to relax a bit of their anxiety, but if they're disappointment, but if they're stressed just by being around you.


Thank you also very much.
