....so, you want to go on a yoga retreat?

In order to choose the best yoga retreat for you, you’ll want to assess your budget, goals, and location preferences. Retreats can be a great way to travel, take some time off, meet new people, or deepen your yoga practice. And that’s where the inquiry begins…. What is the main purpose of this retreat? Do you want a yoga-focused retreat where you have lots of meditation, yoga, etc and it happens to be in an amazing place? OR, do you want to be in an amazing/relaxing place that just happens to have a yoga class everyday? Do I want to be more restful or do I want activities? These are all things to consider when you start searching for your perfect retreat. Everyone is different, so you’ll be able to find a retreat that is right for you.

If you want to be on a yoga retreat for the purpose of deepening your yoga and/or spiritual practice, I would suggest going with a specific teacher that you feel like you learn a lot from or go with that style of yoga - for example you could search for buddhist meditation retreats, or jivamukti yoga retreats, or any specific lineage or teacher that you want to study with. If study/learning/practice is your main desire. I personally, would most likely be looking for a retreat experience with a teacher/tradition that I already connect with — I will discuss how to find one even if you don’t have this starting point (but this is the place I’d start.)

If on the other hand you just have a specific place you’d like to be, that might be your guiding factor. If you’ve always wanted to visit Greece, or Guatemala, then that becomes the place to start your search. You might ask yourself, do I want more of a spa/rest experience, or do I want more of an adventure with options for day activities like hikes or cultural experiences. This is time to dig into the details a little bit. Often a yoga retreat will post a sample daily schedule to give you an idea of what they offer, if not the retreat center may also list samples of activities and excursions that are offered. Its good at this point to check what’s included and what activities might be extra above and beyond your stay. Also, you might check the teacher/group leader’s vibe on how flexible the schedule is. For example I often offer a lot on my retreat schedules but ultimately I know that some people will be there for rest, and I want that for you! So, in my mind we are all adults and everything is optional! 

If you found a retreat throug a teacher, take the next step and hop on over to the retreat facility’s actual website where you can view pictures of rooms and check out other amenities, also if you have any specific needs you can check to see if the hotel or center can accommodate you. If you absolutely need certain comforts or specifics, check or ask! That includes meal specifications.

If for some reason you don’t know the teacher directly, read up on them. They probably have a bio and testimonials on their website or on social media. Check out their experience. If you are not familiar with the style of yoga they teach, don’t be afraid to ask or do some research. Keep in mind there is a wide range of difference between taking a gentle/restorative yoga, vs an ashtanga/power yoga, vs something that’s more targeted towards age or injury or fitness. Even if the yoga style has a fancy name that you don’t recognize, see if the teacher has a little description on their site or send them a message to see if its the right fit for what you are expecting. Most experienced teachers will likely welcome beginners, *unless* the retreat is geared towards more advanced practice like…. Perfecting your one handed handstand in one week! 

Of course, restrictions may include budget and timing! You may be limited by the dates you have off from work or your pocketbook. Try to take into account your entire budget including travel, retreat, and any extras that you might want (massages/excursions) once you are there. 

Hopefully keeping those things in mind you can have the enriching, restful, beautiful experience of your dreams!

Introduction: Embark on a transformative journey towards well-being by selecting the ideal yoga retreat for your needs. Discover the key factors that make a retreat suited to your goals, ensuring a rejuvenating experience.

I. Understand Your Goals A. Clarify your intentions for the retreat 1. Physical fitness 2. Mental health 3. Spiritual growth B. Assess your yoga proficiency and preferred styles

II. Location and Ambiance A. Choose the setting that resonates with you B. Consider the atmosphere – urban, rural, or beachfront C. Prioritize nature's proximity for a holistic experience

III. Duration and Schedule A. Decide between weekend getaways and extended stays B. Evaluate daily schedules and activity options C. Look for flexibility in the retreat agenda

IV. Accommodations and Facilities A. Opt for comfortable accommodations B. Check for desired amenities (e.g., spa, pool, meditation spaces) C. Consider the community vibe and group size

V. Instructor Credentials and Style A. Research instructors' backgrounds and certifications B. Understand teaching styles and methods C. Read participant reviews for insights

VI. Budget Planning A. Set a realistic budget, considering inclusions B. Explore potential additional costs C. Ensure the package aligns with your financial plan

VII. Dietary Preferences A. Communicate dietary needs and preferences B. Inquire about meal options and flexibility C. Consider the availability of quality, locally sourced food

VIII. Reviews and Testimonials A. Dive into online reviews and testimonials B. Seek feedback from previous participants C. Consider both positive and negative aspects shared by others

IX. Cultural Immersion A. Explore opportunities for cultural experiences B. Participate in local activities and excursions C. Strike a balance between cultural immersion and relaxation

X. Preparing for the Retreat A. Pack essentials for the chosen location and climate B. Set realistic expectations for personal growth C. Establish a pre-retreat self-care routine

Conclusion: In summary, your journey to well-being starts with choosing the right yoga retreat. Dive into thorough research, align your expectations, and let the transformative potential of a well-suited retreat enhance your overall experience. Your path to rejuvenation awaits!