Harmonium Technique (not JUST for beginners)

Harmonium practice as Nādā yoga and vocal training

Whether you are newer to playing harmonium or more experienced, here are a few things that have helped me refine my playing:

  1. Work on relaxing the hands, practice pressing the keys and pumping the bellows with as little excess tension as possible. (when we start to add voice, you’ll want to practice relaxing the voice as well

  2. Practice just playing one note for a long period of time so that you can really get used to how to sustain a note at one volume and with no breaks. When you add voice, try to match the pitch but also the volume so that your voice and the instrument sound as close as possible.

  3. Practice gliding between two notes only, focusing on making the transition as smooth as possible. When you add the voice, try to again smooth out the transitions.