Podcast #137 - Take me to the River

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I Think we're mostly ready to go.

Don’t Panic, its fairly digestable in terms of… it's a lot of like repetition of a word. I'm sure we are, you know, which is shunty, right? So oh could you just said your shoes off right outside? Thanks.

So for those of you join me as online, going to have to know we get without the words in front of you because it's not in the official chant book, but it's one of my favorites and again, don't worry too much because there's a lot of repetition. And if you're not if you're not comfortable chanting, you don't need to. You can just listen or you can even just give it a try even if you're not sure about the sounds or the words.










Congratulations on your Vedic chanting. It sounds very good. So as you can hear, from the repetition of the word, chanting this is about peace. One is sort of wishing peace upon different aspects of all of manifestation. So I'm going to read the the sort of interpretation from one of my teachers teachers and he he's going to take some liberties but it's very purposeful. I'll point it out when we get to it. So he says, made this made the heavens, the sun moon stars and all the zodiac signs. In other words, the cosmos be at peace and harmony May the space between the earth and the sun, the moon in the stars, be with out pollution. So there that's a very interesting addition and he brings in this concept of pollution, and I think he means as we'll see as we go along. He means pollution in a number of senses. Not just pollution as in the waters error. You know, things that are meant to be in the water in the air and earth although he does mean that and we'll get to that too. But he also is is meaning like disturbances in the mind, disturbances in the heart, disturbances in the space between the heavens and earthy noting means so pollution. So if we brought in our range of understanding the word pollution, yeah, may our mother earth be happy peaceful and free from all pollution. May all the waters be peaceful and free from pollution oceans. Rivers drinking water and rain may all medicinal herbs and plants be in their natural state. Breathe from all pollution made a whole vegetable kingdom including the trees and forests be in their natural state. Healthy and free from diseases due to collusion. May all the elements earth water, fire air and ether. All the cosmic forces be in peace and harmony without pollution. They, our body minds and soul and all of existence be in peace and harmony, and free from pollution, May everything in and out be peaceful in harmony free from pollution and made peace itself. Be the real peace Shantir Eva Shanti may peace itself be the real Peace. And then he adds not artificially made by police and military forces and the last it's an at it's an aspirational prayer. And last but not least made that natural piece harmony and unity manifest and blossom through us. May there be peace. Peace, physically, mentally spiritually. So you can put your paper off to the side and then come forward into a hands in these position pressing, right back into downward facing dog.


So, in yoga, practice, everything that we do is in attempt to sort of clear up and clean up that inner pollution. So for the yogi that pollution is, you know, sort of certain types of thoughts will get more into that with your inhale, come forward into a plank post, shoulders forward over the risks as you exhale.


Lower your knees, your chest and your chin to the floor. Inhale slide forward into cobra. Exhale, tuck the toes. Sit all the way back towards the heels. And then extend the legs downward facing dot inhale, come forward into plank shoulders forward over the wrists. Exhale lower halfway down, check that angle, inhale upward facing dog.


Exhale downward facing dot. Okay, I'm gonna introduce a little bit more sunscript. Terminology walk the feet forward towards the hands and fold forward over the legs. So, there's a word in Sanskrit. Naughty naughty refers to the energy channels within the body, when we're doing awesome, practice, and breathing, practice and meditation, and all the things, but particularly when we're in Austin, a practice when we're moving from one shape to another, the idea, is that we are trying to sort of clear up the places where the energy might be stuck or not.


Moving nicely, right? So, even here, even in this forward, bend maybe, you can feel. There are places that you feel a whole lot of sensation happening. Maybe, there are places where you don't feel much happening. Like there might be a sort of doll or blind spot somewhere, or maybe there's like, bringing tension into the fingers where it doesn't need to be, or something like that.


But just start to notice the ways in, which maybe we're stopping the energy, or preventing the energy from moving through in a way. bring the feet all the way out to the width of the mat? Maybe even the pinky toes, hang a little off the sides of the mat.

And then bend the knees. Come into a deep squatting position, hands together at the center of the chest, and have the elbows inside of the knees, and then you're pushing the knees out with the elbows a little bit. Breathe

Bring the hands down to the floor, raise the hips up and fold forward over the legs. Bring the feet and legs halfway closer together. So feet are parallel and a little narrower than the outer hips hands behind the back, interlock the fingers together into one fist. Moving the arms away from the back is best.

Feel shoulder blades moving towards each other. Good with your inhale. Now, bend your knees, open your chest and look forward flat back. As you exhale straighten, the legs and fold forward, try to link those two movements with your breath. So, inhaling them the knees, open the chest and look forward.

Exhaling extends, the legs to fold. Inhale, bend knees, open chest. Look forward. Exhale straighten, the legs to full last one. Inhale, bend big breath in exhale to extend full breath out. Good. Bring the hands onto the waist now, lift all the way upright to a standing position and then bring the legs together arms alongside the body for sun salutations.


Here we go. Inhale hook your thumbs in front of you. Sweep your arms forward and up, arch the back. Exhale, bend the knees swing the arms, behind the back, place the hands together, folding forward straight arms and legs. Inhale hands to the floor, step the right foot, back to lunge.

Look forward. Exhale step all the way back downward facing dog. Inhale forward into plank, shoulders over wrists. Exhale, check that inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale forward into plank, exhale lower, the knees, chest, and chin to the floor. Inhale, slide forward into cobra. Exhale, tuck the toes.


Sit back towards the feet and then extend the legs down. We're inhale right foot steps forward. Exhale left foot next to the right foot fold forward. Inhale bend, you took thumbs reach up, arch back, straighten legs at the top, exhale, bend, knees, swingarms behind lace. The hands together and full inhale, hands touch down.

Step left foot back. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale play. Exhale chaturanga. Inhale upward dog point the toes. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale. Come forward into plank. Exhale, touch, knees, chest and chin to the floor. Inhale slide forward cobra. Exhale, tuck the toes. Sit back towards the feet and then extend the legs downward dog inhale.


Step the right left foot forward Next to left foot fold forward. Inhale bend, knees hooked thumbs reach up our back straighten legs. At the top, exhale stand up and release the arms. Again like that, inhale hook thumbs. Reach up, arch back and exhale. Bend knees, swingarms behind lace and hands together.


Folding forward, inhale hands touch down. Step the right foot back. Look forward. Exhale downward facing dog hips high, inhale plank shoulders over wrists. Exhale! Check that inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing inhale to plain, exhale, knees, chest and chin to the floor. Inhale slide forward into cobra. Exhale, tuck the toes.


Sit, all the way back towards the heels and then extend the legs downward dog, inhale? Right foot steps forward. Exhale left foot next to the right foot fold forward, inhale, bend knees. So, it comes reach up our back, straighten legs, exhale. Bend knees, swingarms behind leaves the hands together.


Last, time's like this. Inhale hands touch down. Left foot steps back. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale forward into play. Exhale, bend the elbows like a high to low push up. Inhale up. We're done pull the chest forward. Exhale downward dog, inhale forward into plank. Exhale, knees, chest, and chin to the floor.


Inhale, slide forward into cobra. Exhale, tuck the toes. Sit back towards the feet and then extend the legs down. We're done, inhale left foot steps forward. Exhale, right foot next to left foot folding forward. Inhale, bend the knees hook thumbs reach up. Exhale, stand up and release the arms, but inhale deeply, bend the knees, reach the arms up, chair pulls.


Exhale hands to the floor. Fold forward. Inhale halfway lift. Look forward. Exhale hop. Stepper walk backs. Chapter lower halfway down. Inhale upward, exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, step the right foot forward. Turn the back heel down. Reach up for your one arms over that I'm straight up overhead. Good.


Exhale, hands to the floor, step into your plank and lower chest. That I've got inhale facing exhale. Downward face, inhale, step the left foot forward, reach all the way up. Warrior one. Exhale hands to the floor. Step back and lower. Chip that ungah good. Inhale upward, dog. Exhale downward, dog one more time.


Each side inhale step the right foot forward. Turn back. Heel down. Reach arms. Overhead. Good, exhale hands down step back slowly lower chipped. It on top. Inhale up for ducks. Exhale downward dog last one for now. Inhale left foot steps forward zero one reach all the way up. Exhale hands to the floor.


Step into your plank and lower chips. And under inhale upward faces. Exhale, downward facing hold and breathe in there. Exhale one. Inhale, exhale to good. Breathe and deep breathe out. Completely for three, inhale. Exhale for breathing, breathe out, soft and the knees and look forward. Inhale hopper step feet to hands.


Exhale fold forward, inhale deeply. Bend the knees, reach the arms up chair, pull, reach up. Exhale stand up and release the arms. But okay. Moving on now. Inhale, bend the knees. Reach the arms up, chair and exhale hands to the floor. Fold forward. Inhale, halfway lift to prepare. Exhale, hop step or walk back chaturanga.


Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale, step the right foot forward. Turn the back heel down reach up or your one. Arms overhead. Exhale, open hips and arms to the side where you're too. Inhale straighten the right leg, exhale, reach to the right for triangle. Place the right hand down.


Reach the left. Arm, straight up. Deep breath. In through the nose. Deep breath out through the nose. Inhale, exhale, breathe and shrug the shoulders back and down. Breathe out. But inhale, that's it. Exhale. And exhale for. So you might know, notice where, maybe there's like too much tension, so too much gathering of energy or like not enough and energy.


Flowing makes some energy flow into those blind spots. Inhale, lift all the way up, right to a standing position. Exhale, bend the right knee, or your two breathing, breathe out and good stretch the arms. Lengthen, the arms. Exhale of three. Inhale, exhale for good reason. Breathe out with your inhale straighten, the right leg, breathe in exhale, bend the right knee.


Place the right hand out side of the right foot and reach the left arm over the left ear for extended side. Angle, breathe, breathe out, see that the right knee is bending all the way over the right ankle for two stretch that left arm super long. So that your you're trying to lengthen, the entire left side of the body, from the outer edge of the left foot to the fingertips inhales.


Exhale, good! Inhale, both hands touch down. Exhale, straighten, the front leg. If it's tough to straighten the front leg, you might want to have your hands on your blocks for now. Inhale look forward, lift head and chest frame the both hips to foot face straight ahead. Exhale fold forward.


One in exhale to inhale, exhale from inside your body stamp the right foot, even harder down into the floor. Three in exhale, in exhale. Inhale, bend the right knee, step right into a plank straight arms and legs. Exhale, slow chaturanga. Lower halfway, inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog, other side.


Inhale, step the left foot forward. Reach all the way up for your ones. Exhale, open to the side. Inhale straight in the left leg. Exhale, reach to the left, triangle, three. Now in and still to breathe read out. Good left shoulder back and down a bit more three. And four good in here, exhale with your inhale, lift all the way up, right?


Exhale, bend the left knee. Warrior two, breathe in axial in there. Exhale, good. So feel energy, coursing. All the way through the arms. All the way through the fingertips. Three in here. Eggs, you in and exhale. Inhale, straighten the left leg, exhale, bend left, knee, place left hand outside, left foot, reach right, arm over right here.


See if you could feel that outer edge of the right foot pressing even more consciously, into the floor. And then from pressing, the outer edge of the foot down, so you can reach even longer all the way. Up the right side seam with the body, but having a little bit more, or believe it me without inhale, touch both hands down.


Exhale start to extend the front leg, inhale head and chest lift look forward. Exhale fold for even breathe out in hand. Exhale. Yeah. If it's tough to straighten up front, like you always have the option to put the hands on blocks. Three reason breathe out in here and Rex tail.


Inhale, bends, the left. Knee separate into your plank folds, exhale, chested on gods, inhale upward facing, dog. Exhale downward facing dog. But bring it. Bring the knees to the floor for a moment. Now, we're going to do this shoulder movement. So the idea being that we're going to move the chest in the direction of the floor, to squeeze the shoulder blades together and then we're going to move the chest away from the floor so much that the shoulder blades move to the sides of the rib cage there.


So I'm, I'm simply moving the chest down and up relative to the floor. Notice that it's not cat and cow, which most of us might be more familiar with, so I'm not moving my head or my pelvis around in space. I'm just shrugging the shoulders. So let's give that a try.


No. Need to move the head or the hips shrug, the shoulders together, shrug the shoulders apart notice, especially in that moment where the chest is headed down towards the floor. There's a moment where the elbows are gonna try to bend, don't let them. So I are stop before they start to bend or just you know use more strength of the arms to help prevent them bending.


Okay good. Now that we've got the hang of that stretched, bowls legs back into your plank post, straight arms and legs, and then lower the knees to the floor, but don't scoot them forward or back there in the right place already. So, we're in kind of a half plank situation.


So, see if you can repeat the same movement with the shoulders and it's going to be a little bit more challenging because we're adding a bit of load to the scenario. Yeah, yeah, okay, good working with that. You can either stay there or if you want to make it even harder.


Lift both knees off the floor, full plank shrugging the shoulders together, shrugging the shoulders apart. Hold tight around the abdomen, haha. And try not to let the hips go along for the ride. You're just moving the shoulders strong plank but okay, rest the knees onto the floor for a moment.


Okay. So we are we are strengthening some of the supportive muscles that that helps support around the shoulders. That being said, when we are in our regular plank pose, we actually don't want to either of those situations happening, right? So sometimes it's the case where we let the chest sort of sink down.


And we have this funky plank or sometimes we sort of hunch the backup towards the ceiling. Although sometimes teachers ask you to do that on purpose for for ab reasons, that's okay too but when we're moving through the vanilla so we don't necessarily want that one. We want to the way I think about it is that if we think about having an even like you're neither down nor up you're in that perfect Goldilocks moment.


Just right in between those two. So let's try that again. We'll come into playing will all do just down. Will all do chest up and then we'll find that Goldilocks plank and move into chaturanga from there. Yeah. Okay, so come into play, let's do it together. Chest down towards the floor shoulder blades together.


Then chest up away from the floor, hunchback plank, and then find goldilocks plank. The one right in the middle, and then lower Chaturanga from there. Oh, beautiful inhale upward dog. That works quite well. Exhale downward dog. Yeah. All right, with your intel step, the right foot forward. Where your one right foot?


This time. We're holding where you're one for today. Let's press the hands together on purpose. And then, let the hands pressing together. Help to encourage the elbows to straighten even more than you thought. You could try to turn the center of the chest as much tiffes forward as is possible.


And then, let's everybody bend a little bit more deeply into the front. Me keep the chest lift. All right, that's it with your inhale straighten, the right leg with your exhale. Reach the right arm down alongside the body. Keep both legs straight, inhale, reach left. Fingertips up to the sky.


Exhale, take the left hand all the way across for rotated, triangle left hand touches, either the floor or a block outside of the right foot. So, if it's tough to reach the floor, you could always have a block underneath your hand there, right? Arm reaches up to the ceiling.


Twisting good. He both heals pressing down both legs working towards straightening. Even if it isn't happening all the way yet with your inhale, lift, all the way up, right? Reach both arms up again. Exhale, bend the right knee twist again this time we're going to hook the left arm out outside of the right leg but back heel is pressing down and you might find that that makes certain things about twisting a little bit more difficult but that's what we're in the game of perceiving.


Like what does this variation give or take away from the experience? Yeah. With your inhale, touch bowls hands. To the floor, bring your left knee all the way across to the right side of the right foot. For seated spinal twists. Have a seat. That's it, right? Leg is the one on top.


Inhale, left arm reaches up. Exhale, twist to the right side. Look, all the way over the right shoulder. Breathe one. Right to breathe. Breathe out. Three in exhale. Breathe. Breathe out. I've inhaled turned to face front. Exhale little counter twist in the other direction. Inhale, turn to face front two options for ankle to knee today.


So, I either you can stack the right leg over the top of the left leg. Or if that doesn't seem to be happening for you, you could cross the right leg in front for today. If you like go ahead fold forward, take the upper body forward over the legs.


So coming back to the the chance from earlier is like even as we're moving our bodies through us. Now, we are sort of cleaning house, if you will cleaning house, work, you know, trying to get the energy to move in certain ways.


But inhale lift all the way up, right? To a seated position, bend the knees into the chest, grab hold of the front of your shins and pull your shins as close to the front of your body, as possible, even tuck your chin, like between your knees as much as you can good.


Now, you can press the hands down into the floor, beside your hips, or even into your blocks that are next to your hips. If you want to lift up, everything that can lift up. Maybe your butt lifts up, maybe your feet may be both and then make your way back to chaturanga.


Artistic interpretation. Inhale upward dot. Exhale downward dog, inhale, step the left foot forward zero but just know one more, your one arms overhead, press the palms of the hands all the way together for today and then let the action of pressing the hands together help to straighten the elbows and the yeah, that's it.


Good turn the chest as much to face forward as is possible for now. That's it. Good.


With your inhale, straighten left foot with, your exhale left arm down alongside the body, inhale, reach the right arm up, just one, one action at a time, so we're still facing forward. We're still upright, let's take it one breath at a time. One action at a time, inhale, simply reach the right arm up first.


And then as you exhale, start to tip forward over the legs, right? Hand to the other side of the left foot reach the right arm up. Yeah, I find sometimes we can trip ourselves up by like either, you know, I'm, I'm an anticipator, so, I'm often like anticipating what the teachers saying and going ahead of things, right?


You know, so if we can kind of all stay in place together, we'll all have it. Yeah.


That with your inhale, lift all the way up, right? Reach the arms, all the way up to the ceiling, exhale. Bend the left knee, bring the hands through prayer and twist to the left standing spinal twist.


Three good feel that outer edge of the back foot pressing down. Keep trying to move the center of the chest, closer to the thumbs.


Put it, inhale, both hands touch down, exhale cross your right knee, all the way to the other side of the left foot, to sit down preparing for seated, spinal twists, inhale, right arm reaches up, exhale twisting to the left side. Look all the way over the left shoulder and breathe to


With your inhale. Turn to face front. Exhale, counter, twists. Inhale, turn to face front again, two options. Ankle to me. So, I either left, like to go over the top, like, so, or left leg could cross in front exhale, fold forward, keep breathing.


And with the inhale lift all the way up, right? To the seated position, bend your knees into your chest. Keep your ankles crossing. Grab hold of the front of your shins and pull your legs as close to the front of your body as possible. Make yourself small like a disco ball as they used to say back in the day, hands to the floor, lift up, whatever can lift up and then make your way back to cheddar and gum inhale upwards facing dog.


Exhale downward facing dog but okay. Walk the feet together and walk the feet about a third of the way towards the hands line up, your shoulders, over your wrists and look between your hands. Find a spot to look at. Lift the left leg up to the ceiling. Left leg up.


You can either stay here with the right foot on the floor, for five, breaths and switch sides. And take five breaths on the other side. Or you could take five hops on this side and five hops on the other side or you can move into handstand practice. 10 breaths, I got you.


When you're finished with 10 breaths or even if you lost count, if you can take a rest.


Okay. So start on hands and knees hands and knees position. Bring the forums and elbows down to the floor. Have the forearms as parallel as you can. To one another palms of the hands pressing down palms that they hands down then. Tuck your toes under lift your hips up.


So you're in essentially a downward dog, both the elbows on the floor. Now, walk the feet in a little bit closer, lift the hips, higher lift, the left leg up so we can repeat either. You're taking five breaths like this. Five breaths on the other side or five hops on one side, five hops on the other side or holding your forearm stand.


Ten breaths want to the spot. Yeah.


You got it. You got to squeeze the legs. Squeeze the legs.




When you're finished, come on down and try this, we're going to take two blocks, you'll set the blocks up on the second setting. The medium setting like this and then watch watch. First, you're going to take the elbows to the center of the blocks and then move the head and the chest towards the floor.


But look in specific, how I'm going to hold my hands. I'm going to kind of tent my hands, like, almost like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, right? Like Bill people, billionaire hands and it walks the knees back a little bit, so that the legs are straight up and down to the floor.


So yeah, come into that shape.


When it introduced more sunscript terminology. So the word, the word shout-show, shout-shaped means, cleaning means to clean. And what do we know about the practice of cleaning? Like, I'm sure it's so intuitive to anyone who's ever cleaned. Anything that it's never really one and done, right? You, you sweep, and then low, and behold week later, you're needing to sweep again and so on and so forth.


And that's also like our practices, right? If you, you know, if if one takes a break from meditating, sometimes you find that you have to kind of start again, from the beginning. So, there's there's sort of a necessity if one wants to keep with it, to maintain it to do a daily practice.


In order to maintain are inner space in the same way that many of us want to maintain cleanliness in our outer space. Yeah, same with awesome practice, right? I, when I take a break from forearm stand for a little while, well, you know, I have to clean up and start again.


Okay, lift up for a moment will come into the same shape, but I'm going to add to little movements but I'd like you to see what they are because it's very hard to describe when your head is down and you know, you're trying to understand. So the first thing we'll do will be in the same shape and you'll push the right hand into the left hand and let the right hand win a little and we'll go side to side.


We'll hold on each side three times but just notice like it's not a huge movement. So if a lot of movement doesn't come, don't shift the chest around to make up for it. Yeah, so just try to keep the chest center then the second set of movements watch. How I'm like pushing my head more between the blocks and that's plugging my shoulders into the back.


And then I'm gonna pull my head back to pull my armpits more open. So we'll do that a few times to I'll talk you through the whole thing. So you don't have to remember. Okay, so blocks on the second. Setting elbows to blocks hands behind the head, kind of like mr.


Burns hands, excellent. And then, so, first thing is push the right hand a little into the left hand. If you're at home you could also alternatively. Have your elbows on a chair or something. Yeah, over here. Oh yeah, my shot. I've been doing this all week. My shoulders. Haven't felt this open since ever.


Maybe. Okay, push the left hand into the right hand.


Well, switch, push the right hand into the left hand. Let the right hand win a little


And then switch. Let the left hand win a little.


And then switch right hand. Wins a little.


And last one left hand wins a little okay come bring the hands back to the center as best. You can keep the head in the chest below. So try not to lift the head up here. Push the head forward between the blocks. So the shoulder blades kind of plug into the back more and then pull the head out from between the blocks and try to open up the armpit area.


A little bit more good. Again, push the head forward. Like you want your ears to be more between your blocks more between your elbows and then pull the head. Back opening up the tricep armpit area. One more push-to-head forward forward forward forward. And then, draw the head back back, back back, back back or and then come on out of that.


Who put put put the blocks off to the sides. Lay down on the abdomen.


I know it's the perfect antidote to computer neck, you know, it's really, you know, it relieves a lot of that forward posture, that a lot of us, spend a ton of amount of time in including me and I'm a yoga teacher and I spend a lot of time at the computer, okay?


So hands next to the chest, but move the hands a little more forward, towards the shoulders, and a little wider. Maybe even go off separate the feet a little bit and let the legs in the buttocks. Be relaxed. Push into the hands and slowly lift your head, your chest.


Maybe even your belly off the floor as you work towards straightening the arms. Try not to clench the butt, leave the glutes out of the picture. If you want it to be a little more intense, you could lift up on a finger tips, you could even lift the head up and back and then slowly reverse.


It. Roll the belly chest head down to the floor. Let's do that again. Push down. Lift head chests abdomen you could lift on a fingertips and lift the head. If you like, and then, slowly roll down. Let's do that three more times on your own. Go ahead at your own pace here.


But Barbara, nice.


All good. Oh, I can see you. Okay, when you're finished, bring the legs parallel. To one another arms behind the back, interlock the fingers together into one fist. Press the feet down, lift the head chest arms up, shallow basin of variation one, try to lift the arms, any amount away from the back even if it's a small amount.


I catch it. Yeah, good.


And with your exhale, slowly release on down. Let's do that one again. Class the hands together, behind the back. Press the feet down, lift up, head, chest and arms shallow vasna.


Could egg sailing slowly release on down? Bend the knees, reach back. Catch, hold of the ankles with the inhale lift on up. Head just knees down your arsenal. That arms are straight feet are kicking up and back towards the upper back corner of the room breathing is still smooth and even in both directions, try not to hold the breath because exhale slowly release on down.


Second time then, knees, reach that catch, hold of the ankle inhale lift on up, head chest, knees, down your ass in a second time.


Of exhale slowly release down. Place the hands, either side of the chest. Parallel, the legs inhale lift forward enough into upward facing dog. Exhale, go all the way back downward facing dog. Lift the heels high up, bend the knees look forward, past your hands and then hop all the way through to sit down, or walk through or the old half and half, which is what I do and straight, the legs in front of you.


Lay down on your back. Step the feet flat onto the floor, list the hips up, interlock the hands together into one fist behind the back.


But separate the hands. Release the back down to the floor. Now we're gonna be moving into full wheels. So if you're if you're not taking full wheel because maybe like you're protecting an injury, I totally get it but we've done all this luscious shoulder opening work. So if you're a wheel ambivalent or if or if you try it, some days and you try and you don't try it other days.


Or if you're wheel curious, I would go ahead and urge you to try it for today. Just to see how that shoulder work has affected your experience of wheel. Yeah. And maybe it has, maybe it hasn't right? There's no you know guarantee but it's a good time to try it anyway.


So place the hands on the floor. Either side of the head. Good live. The hips up. Pause there. And then push down into the hands. Strongly lift all the way up into your wheel. Yeah, that's great. You can do it. I got you push. Push push. There you go.


See, you don't even need me.


But and then with your exhale, slowly come down, keep the feet on the floor. We're going to do two more because we like them so much place. The hands, please to see. And with the inhale, go ahead lift up. But yes, yes yes. Ah, perfect. Perfect.


And to the chest and slowly come down. Set up for the third one before you have time to change your mind about it. Place the hands please the feet. That's that's always the moment I start negotiating with myself. I'm like well, okay, go ahead. Lift up.


And I know the third this between the second one of the third one is actually it can like feel harder on the third one sometimes.


Okay. Slowly. Come on down. How did the knees into the chest?


And bring the knees all the way over to the left side of the body. Look over the right shoulder for a twist.


Bring their knees up to the center and go the other way.


Bring the knees on up to the center and then come on up to a seated position sit all the way up, right? Straighten the legs forward out in front of you. Flex the feet, sit up tall and fold forward.


So, the from a yogic perspective, the the types of thoughts that were interested in the sort of clearing up are thoughts that involve like, well, first of all misunderstanding, like if we haven't perceived something correctly, or if we've projected an idea onto something that isn't, you know, part of that reality.


A craving or desiring when it becomes. Like when it becomes like out of out of balance, right? When one craving like leads to another into another two. Another. Wishing harm on other beings that we don't feel, you know, deserve.


Happiness and freedom. Another one is to the yogi is watching out for the types of thoughts. That that that we sort of use to harden our identity around, right? The the thoughts that sort of tell us a story of who we think we are. And we're pretty sure of it too.


So those are the thoughts work, curious about, right?


All right, lift all the way up right? To a seated position and then you can either come into shoulder stands directly and stay there or if you want to do a little bit of headstanding and then come into shoulder stand to finish. That's also an option. So let me know if nothing what I said just made sense so that I can help you decide.


Yeah. So shoulder stand. Is this one. Yeah, we'll try that one. Headstand is a bit harder. So if you haven't got a steady understanding of it, maybe start with your shoulders stand. Good.


Getting back to this word, naughty the energy channel of the body. Naughty also means river and that's no accident, right? Water is, you know, on on this planet water is, is life, right? And the cycles of water, not just evaporation and rainfall, but even the cycles of the ocean, right?


The warming and cooling cycles of the ocean responsible for. You know, the exit are existed on this planet. And water also has a way of unfortunately, picking up all the pollution that we're putting into the environment, right? Rain picks up the pollution. We're putting into the air, the it picks up, you know, whatever we've dumped into the soil and puts it into the groundwater, our plastic pollution and it seems to all end up in the oceans.


So you know unfortunately there's almost no place in the planet right now where we're not finding microplastics in the water. It's a concerning situation for sure.


There are things we can do about it, but we have to act strongly and quickly.


For me at some point about 15 years ago I realized that like hamburgers were getting too expensive. Not, I'm not talking about the sticker price. I'm talking about this digger brace. Well, although inflation, you know, inflation is the thing. But I'm talking about the expense to the planet, right?


The cost of the water, and the air that goes into producing the hamburger. And in that way, looked at in that sense, the price in terms of what we pay the hamburger is far too low because it doesn't account for the effect on the environment.


Okay, if you're in shoulder, stands start to work your way through plow five threats in plow,


And then once you've had five breaths in plow, you can move into Matsiasana fish crown of the head to the floor.


Now, and then that the yeah, I'll leave it there.


If you're in cloud, you can live the chin to the chest and release down your in head stand meant to a brief child's pose and then everybody make your way into each of us.


Start to deepen the breath.


Bring some movement into the body.


A moment to move or stretch, any way you need to sort of help come back into the room.


And then bending the knees into the chests, roll to the right hand side, and come on up to a seated position and set up a seed for a short meditation practice. So it can be helpful to sit up a little bit on something block. Thank you, both.


Think one. Nice way to to conceptualize meditation, practice is to just get curious about the thoughts that come up like a saw a moment ago remote was picking up a thing off the floor and like, you know, there's that moment where you're like, hmm, is that someone's earing? Or is that a piece of dirt, right?


And so there there can be that moment where you're like, hmm, what, what is that about? And so, showing some curiosity towards the thoughts rather than either outright rejection or like following them.


The first instruction is to choose your seed, we've done that. Second instruction is to be still.


And then third instruction is follow the breath to noticing each time. There's inhaling each time. There's xing.


If there's thoughts, when there's thoughts, you can show some curiosity without judgment and then try to come back to the breath.


Thank you all so much for making time for your practice today. Thank you so much for having me as your substitute if anyone has any questions about today's practice, let me know. I'll stick around for a few if not hope to see you again next time. Well actually I am subbing this same time next week as well.


So if this time is workable oh and regular class at Thursday's idio. Yeah. Hey.


Oh yes, there's there for those of you who are new to the studio. If you borrowed one of our mats, there's a spray bottle and a towel in the back. If you could spray it, wipe it down and put it on the pins that are in front.


In our brain. So we're gonna do this and getting better at this. Now up I oh thank you so much. Thanks for joining us.


Thank you, still happening. I'm so happy. Very, I'm so happy. You know. I felt I don't know if Monica told you. Yeah. So it's a little insecure after Thursday, because, yeah, that was like, but it's and it's the only cause we're gonna add, I think, when we have no, it's hard to like build to build this brush hard to.


Yeah. Like to change, right? And you're so good. It's hard. Just hard to teach people to get it but don't, don't don't please. But I think it will help when there's a couple others. So, yeah, just there was this. Yeah. And then people can get some momentum in the morning.


Yeah. You call it that momentum. Yeah, I mean that's that's a thing. It's like people. Yeah, they want those people who are gonna come in the morning. Okay. I just took class. It's awesome. Oh yeah, we had things. We had a pretty good and if you want to, I mean lunch, you want to and give me the if you want to, you know, you can also lie stream you.


Yeah. If you feel like it, I when I thought the idea I just was just too much for me, like today was it took everything together? No, not, it's just technology so early in the morning but you can totally. So I it's your call, like it's anybody's call now.


And I was you know I do I didn't want to get used to opening and get used to getting get used to all of you. So it's your my point is any class is it's the teacher's choice? It's like collective here. There's no because I think, you know, I I've been thinking about it and and take a profit by a picture.


Yeah, the reason why I didn't want, it was one too much. Did you read all this? Yeah. Okay, too much technology and 21 people to come into the studio, so, but yeah, it's just, it's sure what will once we add three, we'll have to decide like it has to be consistent.


Yeah. That until then if you want to do it just yeah, especially in the summer. Let's keep as is for now because okay, like, you know, so I assume will thank you Sundays. That's. And so, let's keep it as is for now. Let's see if there's a demand for it too.


Let's see, yeah, let's see.


Thank you very much today. Thank you so much stress.


I found here of She said,


Started this course.


Okay, let me take it. I want to take a bite, picture. Oh okay. Think you decide what you want. Okay let me think about it a bit more. Yeah. I mean, if you want to look at what, yeah, we should take a Monica, is gonna touches the that's hello.


Hey, Camila. It's Rema. Hi.


Good. I cannot I'm can I call you back? Yeah. Basically I think I think Jeanette is Jeanette, you guys. She said you've been my classmate first. The 40th.


You were in my class coming like you were there. It's also.


You wearing like this? I said hi to that you're wearing like Tomorrow.


Okay, look, I will give it to you but I I I'm it's in. This is the system doesn't like it's in moments. You were there and you're in my class. I'm not crazy. Like, I'm telling you.


Okay. You know, I cannot call you back. I'm not somebody. I'll let you know and okay. Bye People. I mean she was in my it