Podcast #141 - The Path and The Journey

This class is inspired by the Jivamukti Focus of the Month, as well as the book “Grandma Gatewood’s Walk”

Here’s the Playlist for this class:


Om sarva māngala māngālye śive sarvatha sādike
śaranye tryambhake gauri nārāyāni namo’stu te

I salute the three-eyed divine mother Narayani, who brings total auspiciousness and fulfills the desire for liberation. Realization arises with her blessing. She is the world itself. Only through the experiences of life can the soul be perfected. Honor this gift your life. Bow to Mother Nature.


So I'm, uh, I'm reading this weird book. I I I'm not sure how it landed in my hands or but I've been in the mood Just like reading sort of, whatever. A friend recommends, it'll kind of whatever lands you know sort of in my Spear. And so it's it's been really cool because we need a kind of outside what I would normally.

I'm reading this book called Grandma Greenwood's Walk. I said you never would picked up this book except that, I think like a student gave it to me with a big stack of books at one point in. I was like, I don't know if I'm ever gonna read that and then it got recommended to me again from some other source. So I was like, alright fine, that'll be good. It's about the first woman who walks the entirety of the appalachian Trail in one go. Um, she did it in 1955 when she was already a grandmother. She was 67 years old, but she walked for the first time. Spoiler alert, she does it again. Um, And the the book is just filled with yoga. So the other incredible things she just kind of started it with the speakers under the feet and a 12 pound pack. Now. I'm not a hiker. But, These days you wouldn't go on Appalachian Trail to do the whole thing in just a pair of sneakers nor would you just have like a 12 pack? I mean think of it like that's you know imagine like 12 caNs of coconut milk or something in a pack it's not very much equipment. And she does the whole thing essentially. You know, she knows how to forage a little bit. So she eats you know, Huckleberries and sorrel and stuff and she does the incredible thing is she does get a lot of, um, help from people going to Trail, you know, feed her, or who, you know, get pretty fresh her sneakers or something like that. And so it's this incredible story about Sort of what I would assumed to be the most, like solitary, individual activity has to do and yet, Continuously out of the whole box, she's supported by Essentially, it's even the strangers who don't don't necessarily know each other no occur and all kind of, you know, support for a long ways. And there's this other beautiful thing about, The the idea of a trail, right? So, um, having no equipment, right? Having no cell phone with the GPS and having no map or anything like that. When she sets foot on that trail and head, she is sort of, in essence, like trusting those who have come before her on the path. So like, each sort of step. She tastes is not only like her own Practice for owing like Journey but she's also in some ways like connected through time. To all of these other things. Work like lots of work, right? And there is that element of trust with the trust. The cat is great path, and then, let's go to the right direction. And even if the path is well marked and leave out and will trotted, there could be a downed tree or something. You can, which case, you know, to figure out the way The substitution has to get process. Yeah. Unique ques. It has me think of a lot about yoga. For probably obvious reasons by now. One is that even though we're like on our mat doing what feels at times like a very individualist practice, right? We, we can't help the fact that we are surptiously throughout her like our practice supported by. It infinite. Other things in our communities and beyond right that we can sort of conceive us. And each time we do an awesome though. We're also sort of connected to the entire lineage. You'll be practitioners that come. So, it's kind of stepping onto that path. That was And try my other traveler to you for us as well.


So, let's start. And we'll press right back into downward facing dog. If you were just coming in, make sure you have two blocks with you.


All right. Start ujjayi breathing. Hear your breath. Everyone's asking for the title, we're gonna put this book back on the New York Times list. Single-Handedly with one yoga class. Okay, with your inhale, come out forward to a plank pose shoulders forward over the wrist. Exhale, lower the knees, the chest, and the chin to the floor. Inhale, slide forward into Cobra point, the feet. Exhale, tuck the toes under move the seat all the way back to the feet first and then extend the legs. Downward Dog. Inhale, come forward, plank. Exhale lower halfway down Chatturanga. Inhale upward facing. Exhale downward facing. Soften the knees and walk the feet forward towards The hands, forward bend. There's this other aspect of a syndrome too, which is that You know. She as well as you know, us with her practice, you know? Has to be able to serve simultaneously formed in mind the, the sort of larger larger pool, and Being ready to just take the next step that's in front of us. If we hold the thought about traversing in 2000 miles, we could get paralyzed by a thought and it was just to eat at the first Except for a but likewise if you did it, sort of two The steps that we use sight, look how that also be able.


So it's disability to both the key in mind. The step that's in front of us and


Together. It's a chest detect. All


Down to the floor racing except fold forward. Yield about halfway through together, parallel and clean narrow over the legs and learns behind the back place the fingers together, stretch ours, We've taken me on now finish. Exhale, straighten your legs.


Exhale, extend the leg side?


Exhale, extending for Hands-On waist lift all the way up here to six. We shall ours all the way overhead. Classifying together into my stretch arms, inhale Brethren. You should knuckles pop up to the soup. Exhale, Bend to the left side. Inhale lift up to Center, keep moving as best as you can, exhale, rice?


Inhale, lift upside. Exhale, let's see. Inhale, lift up to Center and exhale, right side. Inhale Center. I feel.


Inhale, lift all the way up right now. He's the arm. Key lace together. With your inhale, reach the arms of overhead hands. Press together. Look up. Exhale forward hands to the front side. Inhale look forward to your hair. Exhale help. Step away. Inhale upward facing up. Exhale down your facing.


Breathe out.


Exhale, soften the knees. Look forward. Inhale hopper steps. Exhale. Four. Inhale, stand and reach upwards up. Exhale release. Inhale. Reach up comes first step. Exhale, cool for hands together. Inhale, look forward. Exhale, have her step back. Inhale where the push down. Exhale out to the magicians in you. Exhale.


And see you.




And I'd seal soft in the knees, inhale, powder step feet down. Exhale. Inhale. Stand up reach your arms up. Exhale and your reach your hands press together. Exhale fold forward hands to it.


Exhale, make your way back to the


Exhale, downward wasting if Let's see. Next year.


Exhale, soften the knees and your homework step forward. Exhale fold. Inhale. Stand up bridge the arms up. Exhale release last time. Exhale, holding all the paper.


Exhale host of the water.


Exhale downwards.


Let's see.


Inhale, hover step forward. Exhale. Inhale. Stand up reach your arms up. Exhale arms alongside the way inhale look thumbs, reach arms up and arch back. Exhale, bend knees first place about wasting house together. Inhale hands touch down right foot steps. Back to lunch. Exhale release. Inhale, ply shoulders over wrists.


Exhale, check out.


Exhale down, please. And, you know, to Exhale knees just in a gent. Inhale slide forward, exhale top toes. Sit back towards the feet and then extend the legs down or so, inhale, right? Going forward go fresh. You start being ready? Exhale, left foot next to right foot. Inhale, bend knees hook up.


Reach up our check streak legs, exhale, yeast, because all the way around behind those together. Inhale to the floor, step the left foot back. Exhale, downward facing inhale plank. Exhale, chip them up. Inhale up your facing dog. Exhale, downward taste add a seal your knees. Just chill to the floor.


Inhale, slide forwarded to hold. I'm scaled up, your toes. Sit back towards the heels of that. Extend the legs to help. Inhale left foot steps forward. And exhale, right? For the next level. Inhale, bend his thumbs reach up large bath. Exhale stand. Release the arms.


Exhale counts to the floor full. Inhale low forward to prepare. Exhale, first step back just In Young Forward. Exhale, move back. Okay? Inhale step the right foot between the heads but for now don't change the back foot. So the back heel, the left heel is going to still finish up to the seam.


Come on to the fingertips for a woman and look forward. So that you're starting to use like more of your legs strengths to hold you up and less of your cornstarch. Now, see that the right heat is spending all the weight of the right amplime when we're less. Then soften the left knee a little bit, just so you can.


Kind of deal with that. Feels like keep the hips where they are, don't lift, ignore the hips but stream the back leg as sweet. As you know, the hands is unless do that again. Soften the back knee, don't move the hips around just working with the back legs and then super straighten, the back of the cocoa, come?


Yes. One more time. Soften it out. And then straighten the back leg as much as you can for today and then keep the legs the same, reach the arms all the way up for high. Lunch classically together to


But as it press the button, as that turn straighten the old, Keith your back leg as straight as we just practice. He and heel straight will break. Exhale and lose the right knee heat reaching up through the hands. Inhale, next elevation left. Excel that. Put inhale, extend. And just see a little bit.


Yeah, at least. And exhale and inhale hands to the floor, right? Pose. Exhale shuttle as well. Inhale up. Reversing them. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale, step the left foot between the house. That you have just a little more space and then you're working with using more of a leg strength.


Now, less of the version now, Uh, soften them. Back me a little bit. Keep the hips where they are so try to avoid raising and lowering the hips as you streak in the back leg as much as you can. That's it. Soft in the back knee again. Don't move the hips around now and then straighten the back.


Last time, soft. And then open up the back of the right knee all the way up to the seat. Good. Now reach the arms up, overhead clasp, the fingers together, invert the Palms to the Palms are heat that that leg screw your tire. You like, inhale straighten the front leg up.


Put it. Exhale head breathing, could be helpful and straight. I feel better, but keep trying to straighten. The elbows is best. You can inhale straight


Inhale straight. And seal. And inhale hands to the floor. Play posts. Exhale cheddar on God. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Oh, Helen. Did you hear me talking about the book? I, I've been reading the book. I just love the book. That is literally the student beginning to the book.


Oh my goodness, but it's it's a good day and that's how you can tell you something, all right. Step the right foot forward into the hands. Lower the left knee down to the floor. Uh, take your blocks now and you're gonna stack up the blocks. I'll give you a couple of options.


So the option I like to use is, I step one block and the lowest setting one block of the highest setting stack above like an Uber it t shape, and then I'm going to place that right under my right button like the upper part of the right top. Those of you who were here for the wonderful item Workshop.


Last me, it's incredible. I've already just finished. Just so credit to the iron folks. Okay. If your laser a bit longer, you might want to turn that bottom block to a second. Height, so that you have a little bit more. That street has underneath you though. So let's take a moment here to really like imprint in the muscle memory, a few things.


So one is bring your hands onto your hips and notice the figure tips. Somewhere around there, on the front, you'll find two little pony ridges. Let the position of the hands. Help you to determine is the left hip. A little bit opening to the side, is it maybe even turning out the door.


So, try to get both of those points facing a straight ahead as you. Even take the left head and we're going to do it together. Take the left hand, put the thumb right under the butt crease And, Imagine you're like pulling the Flesh of the thigh. In words the other leg.


So it's like your rotating that upward elbow into the middle. Comes back to the waste, those two little bony points. That your fingers are touching approximately. Pull those up. Pull those up towards the ceiling. So that there's a lifting up of the lower Then. Again, feel that sense of like sitting down on the block so just because we're lifting itemists still sit down nice and in the block Now, as we reach the arms of overhead, go ahead and just do it your way.


Reach the arms up hands press together. Look at your house. Notice. Was there is there like a lifting up in all directions or have we sort of pushed the chest forward and brought more stream into the lower back. So bring the arms back up. Let's practice reaching the arms up without pushing the low back forward and short-hand a little bit.


Yeah, okay, so lift up to the front of the waist, as you reach the arms, up to look uh feel like there's stillaciousness on all sides of the waist. Memorize that feel. And then, let's go ahead and switch sides. We won't even go through a dominant arch between sides.


So blocks, under the left side, left butt. And again, that sense of kind of sitting down into the block, letting the hips, and the legs feel that groundedness hands on your waist feel. If the right hip is a little bit behind the left hip or even if it's opening to the side a little Try to get those two bony points of the hips to face as much forward as possible.


Everybody take the right hand, just put the thumb right underneath the crease of the buttocked. And then again, kind of imagine you're like turning the Flesh of the thigh a little bit more inward towards the midlock. Keep that happening Return, the hands onto the hip points and then I even like to use my fingertips to like, lift up those two hit points.


So, the belly lifts in and up almost like a little Like like when you're zipping up your jeans, you know. Okay. And then reach the arms up. Notice if in an effort to lift the chest, if if what happens is, maybe the lower back pushes forward, we want to kind of start to Three four yet.


Stop. Yeah. So bring the arms down again. One more time, lift and chest up with out shortening in the back. So laying across the front of the waist, the sides of the waist, even the back of the waist and then try as much try to print as much of that into the muscle.


And as Hands down to the side and step out to deliver these So, even as like, as we As we learn, you know new alignment teaching how those where as we learn new things about the Asana the idea is to sort incorporate those things to that. There's um There's, you're like carrying forward what you've learned into the next.


Okay, so step the right foot forward. Turn back heel down a bit of an angle. See that the right knee will lift uphill. See that the writing is positioned all the way over the right ankle. Now here's your challenge. Try not to let that right knee, move. As you reach the arms, all the way up before your web, notice how it wants to unbend, right?


It very much wants to but try to resist a happiness. In fact, sit yourself down a little bit more almost that feeling sitting on the Box. So gets this sense of kind of settling through things to the left. Then try to detect. You can use your hands and meat and try to detect if both pit points are facing straight ahead.


Try to lift up through the front of the waist front of the hip points. Orange each have chest lifting gazing towards the hands. Hands down. Step back downward facing dog.


Let's do left. Side, left, footsteps, forward. Turn the right heel down. Take it slow. See that the left knee is positioned to directly on the left hand, no more, no less. And then start to reach the arms up. Don't let the friendly unvent. It's gonna try to guarantee it.


Yeah, that's it. And then even settled in his legs down, almost like you're sitting on a tall step with oxygen, right? So there's that groundedness of the legs. And then see, you can detect whether you want to use your hands to help you determine or not. So you can detect.


If the right hand is trying to be as level with elected as possk. Lift up in front of the influence, but that's it. And then how does you lift your arms up again with the chest? Beautiful? Yeah, let's do the first step all the way back. Channel work. Taste samples.


So then the challenge becomes, of course, the challenge becomes Like, can I You know, when we do this or you don't start, we separate it to Warrior one and then right back. Can I sort of? Hit that high note, all in that moment without a lot of fishing or just getting teach the body exactly where to be.


He is not shape ready. Yes, Jessica we're so ready. Inhale, step the right foot forward, left heel, down, reach all the way up, Warrior one. Try to incorporate corporate as many of those feelings as possible. Exhale hands down. Gender of God. Inhale up your face numb. Exhale, downward facing them.


Inhale, step the left foot forward here. Adjust no mine. Every Wonder one, is the up to this very for your plane. Exhale last downstairs, like just Inhale up for facing them. Exhale downward facing, okay. Inhale, step the right foot forward where you're one bring as much of what we learned into it.


Now, exhale, openings and arms for your two, will take a little break from all the math and then it goes straighten the right leg, exhale, but each shitting, right? For a triangle. Okay, let's get back into breathing. Not so much.




Breathe out. Inhale, stand all the way up, right? Exhale end. Again, if you found that feeling kind of sitting onto a box with the hips in the whole, you have that little Almost sitting down into it here. In a straight. I just seal therapy, place the right hand outside of the right foot.


Reach left are all the way over the left ear extended, exciting. All day.


Inhale to each total countable. Exhale straighten the front leg. Inhale halfway lift look forward, exhale full form. If it's tough to straighten that front like feel free to have your hands on blacks that can be helpful. It's nice even though it's quite challenging try to face the hip points as much to the front part of your mat as possible.


Inhale bad. Exhale touch like me down to the inhale, reach the arms up, get rid into it. Exhale. He has to curge this to the right side. As an opportunity to keep the back the on the floorboard where you can put, if the bag is lifting up, try to straighten it as energetic reaction where you can make those lunges from It's kind of trying to bring back that muscle memory of both of the How we've already trowded?


Inhale fold hands to the floor. Exhale, top, the left, knee all the way to the right side of the right foot crossing behind and have to sit down. For seated, twist, inhale, left arm reaches up and still twist to the right side. My look, all the way over the bridge.


I'm trying to set up a stream and tell us your hand.


Inhale, turn into these forward, exhale powder. Inhale, these four words step of the legs for angle to evil. Once you guys seal, the


Inhale it all the way. Right, here's the position. Exhale, sweep that right leg all over your mom behind again, he'll step right into a place through your eyes and exhale should


Inhale, step the left foot forward, right heel down, Warrior One. Try it again. Bring about any of those details and then you must details as you can call them. Remember? Exhale, open to the side. Inhale, streaks on the plane. And still reach the left cheek and a style.


Inhale, stand all the way up. Exhale, bend the left, knee your address. So again, I think a lot of us tend to hold ourselves a little up out of the word to check to settle the hips, down a little bit more, almost that quality of resting the left high and that's that's


Exhale bed, let me pad outside and left foot reach your right arm all the way over right here. And then something.


Inhale goal as to shout. Exhale straighten the front.


You know, the difficulty for one leg is forward, one leg. Is that it makes it very tricky to Facebook stride for it. Anyway, she's extend your age.


In your hand is. And seal touch razy down. And he'll be strong as a convenient to it. Exhale hands to preach them. Option to either that knee down or even breathe about the other stylus. SP


Let me know, thanks to the Bible.


Inhale touch forward hands down. Exhale, right in your text to the left side of the left foot. Inhale, reach the right hand. Add seal, just relaxing.


Inhale turn abusing and see how color it takes. Inhale, turn face forward. Stack up. The legs were angled to the flexible seats. Exhale forward.


All the way up, right? Exhale, swing that left leg around behind Palace to the floor. Inhale, plank, straight arms and legs. Exhale, just


Exhale downward facing them. Walk the heat together and then walk the feet. Like a third of the way to the hands, bring your shoulders form of your wrist. Look between your hands. Raise the left leg up. You can stay like this and takes five, breaths like this, or you put hot five times on the right.




Sorry. Especially. So switch legs. Pull the right leg in the air. Either hold its every five times no hockey, or start to add some pop straight, coordinate with your breath, so that you're hopping inside to make your brain.


When you're finished in your pie. Coming downtown.


The porch and elbows on the floor. Tuck the toes under. Lift the knees up. So that again, it's like a downward dog by the elbows and foreign Between your elbows or your mouth. Now, lift the left leg of, can you detect? If the left is opening to the side, imagine if you had an extra you had an extra hand and you could like her your left side in, just the way that we did.


We were so, you know, the blocks, right. And then try not to open that hip. So I'm sighs try to keep on say as Square on this possible.


When you're finished with five red, certified pops on that sides, switch sides. And again, even before you start seeing who detect because right, you can't visible name any amount to the side. Try to get it. Uh, in line with e with the letters.


New Year, finished. Sure. Child support. Consensus decision. Come up to your hands and knees. Last things bring the forms and elbows to the floor. This time in class the fingers together. See that the elbows are just a little narrower. Then the shoulders and the tuck your head right behind your panels.


So, the toes under lift the knees off the floor. So you're in essentially down the darling, the heads. You can keep your feet on the floor today. Of course, otherwise you can start to tip toe the feet a little bit closer. Again, otherwise you would bend one knee into the chest at a time and let it down to his feet.


With your arms are so slow. So that you feel exactly where the distribution is happening, and then it's easier to make sure it's right. That might help me so much.




Okay, uh go ahead and slowly make your way down.


And then lay down on your abdomen.


Go to arms. Behind the back lace. The fingers together. With the inhale, lift up, head chest and arms for shave us. Another variation.


It's really released on. Let's do that again. Arms behind it, obviously the fingers. Inhale, lift up, head chest and


Exhale release. Program onto the elbows for space. So forms turn them fingers standing up the floor, a little bit, holy chest incorporate time. Even push the upper Archules back.


Pivot, the left firm and then we're gonna go. Don't switch that. Ready for everything. Bend film has been reach back, catch all different left foot with the left hand. Press the left heel down towards the outer left. Keep the chest in the head facing forward and trying to lift the center of the chest.


So sternum almost tried to be further to go to the Swing that left, armpit more forward to face the windows and then wear under your foot is. Now, keep it there, don't let it move in case your foot into your gun, from a little resistance.


Now, raising Ruby and angle? Nope. In a row tired. Okay, left where I'm in a little bit of Maybell. Then the rain In fact, hold against the side of the right foot and press their pain going down alongside that I would rate him. And then wherever the ends up.


Came this like, back in 10 out of Almost like a little arm wrestling match inside.


Okay. Release that. Come back to the center. Slide, the hands. Back to the elbows. Just came from head, to the floor, hands inside the chest. Inhale the forward to upward down. Exhale lower back down over and down. In the outside. Absolure all the way to. Then poses. Reach that catch.


Hold of the ankles inhale lift up. Head chest and knees from dangerous.


Exhaling release down rest.


Again, bend the knees, reach back to catch, hold of the ankles, inhale lift on up down your arms and a second time.


Inhale, lift forward and I'm going to upward facial. Exhale, go back down with them.


It needs to the floor stand up underneath. Tuck the toes under and then take your clocks and put one block just set it outside and eat a hole. How does your waist? Live your chest, slide your hands back towards each other. So your thumbs are like starting to touch as safe as that bony part of the update of the spot.


Push that forward and down with yourself, lift the top of the chest pop of your chest. Start large bags. If you could make contact with either blocks or the heel to pause it, Push the fingertips into the locks are into the heels, to lift your chest more pushing. It's a little forward over the knees and then option to extend the head back, as long as you can still breathe.


And remember your name out?


Chin to the chest. First try to lift up a simple and chipliest possible about So, Upright.


What detail here? Um, oftentimes when we reach back, watch my chest, oftentimes, in order to reach back to sometimes we left the chest. Delete, do you see them, right? So to see, if see, if you could not only keep the just open as you reach back with it. Watch, once you have contact with either the blocks or my cake, watch my actually hit a pool push and into the box to the twig, just And then options instead of kind of a This is a word.


Yeah. Hesitant you know position but we're not getting into the chest opening as well. Okay. All right. So go ahead and lift up onto your knee and if you know you don't need the block to don't have to set them up again. I think they're wonderful. So if you want to use stuff again, go ahead hands on your waist, your chest and again, try to keep that really expansive open in front of the body.


Even if you check back, try not to let the center of the chest drop down. Once you're holding on, do whatever, you're gonna hold on to you push against the heat or the blocks to lift it just further. And then options are head to open.


But it hands on the waist. Point defeated on the heels, but stay upgrade and forth.


All right. So lift up onto the knees. We're going to use the blocks again. So stack up. Stand up the left. The way you would for For our little Warrior named her. Have the right hip sitting on that plot. Just facing for zipping up through the front of the abdomen this time.


Go ahead and select the right foot Center radius Now, even if Even if this is a far cry from your full moon but us that don't work. Look at that. So here, you know, focusing on not only lifting the front of the pelvis up, so you're trying to lift the Belly button up.


Away from the floor. But also see that that left tip isn't tripping up to the side. You can even use your thumb is your butt crease to help each other and that move forward. Now, And get here, rather than rather than healing that strain. And usual stream of like, holding oneself up away from the floor.


Feel like again, you can write settle. Feel like you can really sit down into And then now that we've been here for a few moments, maybe you can change the aeration. Of the locks, but at least for today's practice, Bridge, these purchased Choose. The thing that you get that alignment is corporate the belly button, lid, to get enough.


Even if it's not as Deep. As your usual honeymoon, ask them out, right, sometimes?


Sometimes I feel like we throw out. Sort of attention and precision all for, you know, something that People are put on Instagram. So you'll be starting to go to the closest Sun Instagram, okay. I know, like we have


Yeah, so again you might kind of take about turning that back and forward again think of lifting that to finish it up, the front knee can be a little bit but All right. You want to make like one more?


Again, we had attention intentimeters on facing into four minutes. And again that's feeling of relieving to sit in it from that that feeling was like, little crush You know, but there's almost like Fear Factor and also like when I pull through this All right, let's switch sides.


Super, we have next time. So, starting the high setting starter at the same setting, we did for that Warrior one, even again. Going to go a little bit to a different place later, just, you know, And it's easy, you know, the benefits of easing into something so, you know, throwing ourselves into the deepest possible thing, you know, so that feeling of really letting the hips settle You could flex the left hands and the left hand forward.


Try to detect if that right hip is opening. And then, you know what to do? You slide yourself into the butt crease and turn it for Out and lifting in and out chest lifting. Okay. If you want to make a move to a different setting. You can make two different setting to explore.


But at least for this next one. Remember we're gonna make that one last move too. So, at least for this second one, keep it at a level where you can really sit that left hand onto something. And not kind of. And that's floating up. And again, Julie Julie your best to turn that, right?


Hit as much forward as you can. Yes, yes. Friendly can be a little bit like incidents.


It's like restored, a ton of us then.


Okay. Last food. So if you want to just and of course, say or you can sort of challenge


I'm so, you know. Muscles. Actually appreciate a Friendly approach. It's not how we usually teach our muscle for you to like, subtract and pull up this enough, but actually, as the muscles get acclimated to a new position. He stretched up. Delayed better.


Okay. Wherever you are. Whoever you are.


Exhale, lower all the way to Turn all the way over to the back. Set the feet flat onto the


Behind the back.


Seven three accounts release the package to the floor. Place the hands on the floor, either side of the headquarteric for a full wheel. With your inhale, go ahead lift all the way up.


She to the chest. He saw him down.


I get in place the hands and With your inhale, lift up side good time.


She just, Keep.


That's one place hands and feet. Inhale lift on up.


Just and come down and then how could lose into the chest.


Bring both knees over to the left side. And as you look up, the right shoulder,


Bring your knees are up to the center. And go the other way.


Maybe these are up to the center. Come on up to a student position. We can stay days in the direction of AC straighten. The lights on in front of you and followed or compression.


Lifting all the way up here to see position. Uh, lay out of your back, you can either matches shoulder stand or you could practice a version of a regular because of hips like some media. If you're not sure. One, two.


Let's share one of grandma at the Woods. She wrote in her. Channel, she was lucky. It's called the word of nature.


And sleep underneath perfected floors. And enjoy the bigness of nature. And the three of all Outdoors. Your signatures feeding. And feel the Creator is not man. That need lovely mountains and forests which only Japan. When we trust him on the nature and with the love of nature of old fast, We will have a tune, a great price to brighten our lives, to the best.


For the love of nature is he if we only give it a try, And the reward will be forthcoming. Is we go deeper than what it means, the light.


Start to come into plow, halasana.


From plow slowly start to roll onto the back.


If you were practicing shoulder stand coming to fish.


Chin to the chest slowly release down.


Your knees to just.


That's nice.


We still.


We'll see the personal instruction is to use the graph as the point of focus. And you have some other religious construction of some monstros in it, like, with you sent to


With practice idea. Let's see, experience. Suspension. Even if it's just momentary suspension of


Yes, of this suspension of natural therapy.


It's easier to find.


Well, so much making time for a practice today.


Everybody has always end up questions about practice that we will and if you borrowed one of RMS, you want to screams, people are quick done and hang out with his head to ours here. And, We will be the next two weeks, so I will see you. It's hard to believe, huh?


Hi, look. Helen. It's all because of you. Still can stickler making my day. It's the it's such a delightful read and a delightful story. I don't know how You intuited that I would resonate with it so much but it's it's great. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a nice vacation, everybody thanks.


See you later. Thanks everybody.