The Jivamukti Yoga Magic Ten - Make Yoga a Daily Practice in your life
The Jivamukti Yoga magic Ten sequence was developed by Sharon Gannon, co-founder of the Jivamukti Method. Fun fact, I was there when she unveiled it! Teaching at the now closed school in Union Square, NYC.
The sequence is made up of ten exersizes, and can be done in about ten minutes. Its perfect for a daily practice if you don’t have time for a longer yoga class - or as a warm up for meditation or yoga āsana practice.
If you are new to the sequence, or new to yoga generally, don’t worry to much about getting it right…. just do your best and most importantly; breath! Skip or modify anything that feels like too much for now. You’ll get stronger just by doing it. That means even if you can only hold downward dog for one breath at a time — do that until you can do 2 breaths….and so on!
The sequence is as follows:
Downward Dog (adho mukha svanāsana) - !0 breaths
Uttanāsana variation (forward bend) - 10 Breaths
Squat - 10 Breaths
Simple Twist / TeePee Twist - 5 Breaths each side
Seated Spinal Twist (ardha matseyendrāsana) - 5 breaths each side
Tabletop - 10 Breaths
Handstand (or variation) - 10-25 breaths
Chest Stretch - 5 Breaths
Side Bending 2-5 times each side, one breath each
Spinal Roll - 16 total breaths
Here’s a video of Sharon and I doing the Magic Ten — Feel free to practice along with the video until you have the sequence memorized.
Here is another set of options for those who need modifications — take any that you need to make the practice appropriate for you.
A note regarding handstand: Sharon was very specific that THIS handstand practice is meant to be a/ strengthening and b) cranio sacral alignment — Therefore, even if you can hold a freestanding handstand, this isn’t the place for it. Instead practice with the heels touching the wall and the chin pulled towards the chest to elongate the spine as much as possible.