Jivamukti Yoga with Jessica Stickler is coming to YouTube. (maybe….)

I got some kind of strange idea to turn the old episodes into a video series. I’d hoped to preserve some of the older classes as well as create a visual option for practitioners who would like that extra visual element for when things get a little confusing or if you’re just not used to my flow yet.

The struggle being that these classes are old and its scary and hard to revive classes that are from my MUCH YOUNGER teaching life. For now, I’m only making them available to Patreon and website access (maybe i’ll get the courage to open them up to the rest of youtube someday. I think it depends a bit on how much I can tolerate of young me and also whether ya’ll like/want them! So…. let’s test drive this together :)

This is Podcast Episode #2 - originally posted July 24, 2010 - and I have a very special guest Kirsten McCord playing cello for the class who was one of the original and frequent players for my weekly Live Music Yoga Class at the flagship Jivamukti Yoga Union Square location

For you audiophiles, here’s a streamable audio version of the episode:


Hi. Thank you all so much for being here. It's it's so amazing. It's like a room full of all my favorite people. I could not be really much happier. So, thank you, let's um, I'm Jessica for those of you. I don't know. There may be a few of you out there.

And this is Kirsten McCord. Playing cello for us tonight and she's totally amazing and I just love her music. There are CDs upfront, you know for purchase if you feel like doing so after class and if you want to be on her mailing list, you should let her know because she plays at a lot of cool venues in the city as well.

So start your breathing inhaling and exhaling through the nose. go ahead and walk the feet all the way to the hands. And hang forward over the legs. Every month at Jivamukti we have a focus of the month. This month focuses about the the karma of relationships. You can think of your body as like a storehouse of all your past actions and emotions. It's easier to start with the the actions the way that your body stores your past actions, like every step you take is mix a memory in your hip flexors, right? From each time you've had to lift your leg to take a step. But then even all of the emotions take place in the body. In fact, you can say. That well the mind is busy thinking about experience analyzing experience the body is actually experiencing. Separate the feet as wide as the mat. Then the knees and come into a squatting position hands together at the center of the chest. If the heels lift up, please sit on a block or roll up a blanket and place your heels on it. So even all of our expressions right they have a emotional content, they usually have a physical and embodied metaphor like. Heartbroken. He really gets under my skin. I'm having cold feet. These are just the tip of the iceberg, but they point to the fact that we're experiencing our emotions in our body not just in our brain. Hands to the floor go ahead and sit on the floor and feet together knees together, go ahead and twist to the right set up tall. So the physical practice the physical shapes that we're making with our body are meant to on. Target. To open up those experiences so that they can be released. On the inhale face forward and exhale twist the other way. Sorry, we could have a very different flavor in here forward separate the feet six inches, take the hands behind the back for table top. Lift up. Exhaling the seat to the floor hug the knees into the chest. Backward and forward. Exhaling keep going.Bring the feet to the floor every time. Now start to pick up the seat a little bit off the floor by bringing more weight into the feet and a little more. And a little more eventually coming all the way up to stand (tadasana) then wait there for everyone else.


hands together at the center of the chest. OM


Breath in. and Breathe out. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale reach the arms overhead look towards thumbs. Exhale fold in half hands next to feet. Inhale lengthen the spine prepare exhale step back or jump back and check inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Breathe here. Still one. Inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three. Exhale four. Inhale. Exhale bend the knees look forward inhale hopper step the feet to the hands lengthen the spine exhale fold. Inhale recharms overhead press palms together, look up exhale to dust and a mountain pulls. Inhale reach the arms straight up it's not a back bend. Exhale fold forward hands next to feet. Inhale lengthen the spine prepare exhale step back or jump back gently. Inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing off breathing. Breathe out one. Inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three feet. Exhale four. Inhale. Exhale bend knees look forward inhale hop or step the feet of the hands lengthen the spine lookup. Inhale reach arms. Exhale fold in half the hands next to feet. Exhale step or jump back shadow inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Breathe in. Breathe out one. Inhale. Exhale two. Inhale. Exhale three. Exhale four. Inhale. No beneath. The spine exhale full. Inhale reach arms over. Together should. Exhale tadasana. Without bending the knees inhale hook thumbs reach out arch back knees swing arms behind clasp the hands and fold inhale hands down right foot back to lung exhale downward facing dog inhale forward to playing pole exhale. Inhale upward facing up exhale downward facing dog inhale forward to playing exhale lower the knees chest and gin slide forward cobra toes hips all the way back to heels. Step the right foot forward line, exhale left foot next to the right foot forward inhale bend knees hook, thumbs up arch back straight lines, exhale bend knees swing arms behind clasp hands and fold inhale. Forward to plank pose. Exhale. Inhale upward facing off exhale downward facing dog inhale left footsteps forward. Exhale right foot next to left foot inhale bend knees hook thumbs up inhaling deeply bending knees utkatasana, exhale hands down uttanasana. Lengthen inhale. Exhale step or jump back chatturanga. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale right footsteps forward back heel down rise up warrior 1. Exhale hands down step back lower chest. Inhale upward facing dog. Inhale left foot forward back heel down one. Exhale hands down step back lower chest. Inhale upward facing. Downward facing. one more time. Inhale warrior one. Exhale hands down step back and lower. Inhale upward facing dog. Downward facing dog. Inhale left footsteps forward back heel down virabhadrasana one. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. breathe.


You're always changing. Always your mind is always changing your body as always changing to nanoseconds. Like even if I have one thought no matter how small it is it changes the conditions and so on and so forth. Inhale deeply bend knees, utkatasana. Exhale, Downward facing dog. Exhale reach all the way forward for triangle. Right hand down left arm breathe here. On the inhale rise all the way up to stand exhale bend the right knee. Warrior 2 and hold. Deeper than you breathe all day. On the inhale extend the right leg exhale bend the right knee, right hand outside of. Just over left ear extended side angle. On the inhale hands down pick up the back heels exhale straight in both legs inhale sneak the back foot forward chin to your shin.

So this process is happening all. Everything you think. And even eat. Is constructing who you are in the next moment. Happening anyway. Question is how? Do we control? Influence the process, at least. Inhale then the right knee no don't bend the right knee, sorry look forward to lace in your spine, you might have to hop the left foot in a little bit for rotated triangle take the left hand out. The inhale both hands to the floor soften the front knee. All come to sit down for a seated spinal twist, make sure both sit bones are on. And then reach the left arm up find lace exhale twist to the right. On the inhale face forward and on the exhale count your twists. Inhale face forward and exhale stack your shins for ankle to knee, right? Leave it there hands behind your back knob. Let's see. Hands. Bite inhale lift up to a seated position to the chest, exhale cross the right angle over the left straight down into the floor lift everything up and exhale make your way back.

Inhale upward facing dog. Inhale left foot forward back heel down, warrior one. Exhale open arms and hips for your trikonasana. extend the left leg, exhale reach all the way forward. All the way up to stand exhale bend the left knee to hold. (virabhadrasana 2) The inhale extend the left leg exhale bend left knee left hand outside of left foot reach the right arm over the right ear, extended side angle A. On the inhale both hands to the floor pick up the back heel, exhale straighten both legs. Inhale sneak the back foot in just enough to get the heel on the floor. Exhale fold forward chin to your shin.

So all the texts all the yoga texts, at least explicitly say that. Everything that comes to us is pleasurable and everything that comes to us as unpleasurable comes from only taken care of ourselves first right comes from selfishness. Inhale lengthen the spine might sneak the right foot in a tiny bit. Take the right hand outside of the. Little left arm up. For rotated triangle. You can do this with the poses right like for someone in this room, this is their favorite pose ever. At least one person, right? I know it's hard to believe that someone could find this position. Both hands down soften the front knee step the right knee outside of the left and pull and come to sit down. Seated spinal twist inhale reach the right arm up and exhale twist to the left. The idea being that um, Our responses to. From us not at us and you can do the there's several proofs you can do to prove it to yourself like.


Ice cream is a good example. Right? I love (vegan) chocolate mint ice cream. To me, that's pleasurable. But someone else might not like that flavor of ice cream, right? And then within the ice cream example itself, you know. Mint chocolate chip. I mean, of course vegan ice cream. Mint chocolate chip vegan ice cream. Can at first be very very pleasurable. Inhale face forward exhale stack the shins for ankle to knee either leaning back on your hands or folding forward. So the the pleasure cannot be coming from the ice cream itself what?

Can't be true that the pleasure. Inhale lift up to a seated position drop both knees into the chest, exhale cross the left leg inhale press straight down into the floor lift up exhale chapter. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. It works with people too right like. You meet Mr or Mrs. Wright and you're all about them for like a long time right and then slowly like they by day they start to change a little bit change over time and little by little miss. Becomes Mrs wrong. That's an example of like your karma for some experience slowly running out your karma is running out for that particular experience. And the knees look forward inhale hop or step the feet to the hands lengthen the spine exhale hold forward separate the feet down on your feet together as long as you can start to push the thighs back in space. The shoulder blades up out of the ears. Even as sensation in the back of your hamstrings right it that feeling could be painful or it actually could be kind of pleasurable depending on who you are. Inhaling lengthen the spine looks forward exhale slide the palms of the hands under the soles of the feet knees lengthen your. Abs then exhale fold into the legs next. Maybe it's both pleasure and pain at the same time. But how you see it depends on your mind depends on your particulars.


Inhaling look forward length in the spine exhale step the feet as wide as your mat bend the knees and come into a squatting position, you might need to stagger a tiny bit yeah. You start with the hands into prayer and then inhaling stretch the left arm in front of the left side reach the right arm often back.


You can stay like this or optionally take the bind by wrapping the left arm around the left hand. Inhaling press left hand down the right arm up exhale press hands into prayer inhale stretch the right arm in front of the right hand reach the left arm up. Side go ahead and wrap the right arm around the back for left wrist. Inhaling, press the right hand down left arm up exhaling hands together inhale hands to the floor exhale fold forward over the legs heal to the feet together. Inhale deeply bending knees up exhale stand up tadasana step forward again bend knees, reach arms up utkatasna. Exhale chatturanga.Inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing dog inhale step the right foot forward back heel down this time hold.On.The inhale extend the right leg exhale clamps into a fish behind the back inhale reaching down the back leg and look at the ceiling. Sale bend the right knee crown of head reaches to the in step side of the right foot.


Arms reach overhead good. On the inhale release the hands to the floor. Exhale extend both legs. Inhale sneak the back foot in for another chin exhale fold forward pulling the right hip back optional variation walk the hands forward flat to the floor, maybe even in front of your right foot a little bit and then press the hands down. Away like you're in a downward dog it just so happens that you're right foot is forward.


So every tradition says that the way to get happy the way to get it more happiness for yourself is to worry about others. Shall reap what you sow. That's what it meant, right? Inhale bend the right knee look forward. Exhale here. Inhale tip up to standing split reach the left leg up.


Look forward first lengthen the spine. Then exhale fold into the right leg. All the major religions, they all say like. You know, don't cheat don't steal. Don't lie. You know, there's like a top five in every single spiritual tradition. And they're all kind of the same. And why? Because the point of every single spiritual tradition is to get happier. It really is. Inhale then the right knee look forward step back to a long line. Exhale left knee to the floor point left toes. Start to extend the right leg and sit on your left heel. Sit right on it. Mhm. Inhale sit up tall flex the right foot. Exhale fold forward. On the inhale lift up. Exhale bend the right knee start to shift away forward. Come back into a lunge pull. Take the right hand in step side of the right foot stay up on your hands or bring both forms to the floor for lizard holes.


To the floor extend the arms exhale reach the right leg up and back for a down dog split keep the right leg extended but turn the right toes out to the side and flex the right foot then reach the heels away from each other, so you can open up that hip flex. On the inhale step the right foot outside of the right hand again, mm-hmm stay on the floor. Reach the arms out to the side watch out for your neighbors option three class the hands into the right side left with the right hand. Awesome hands to the floor exhale make your way back to downward facing dog. Inhaling step the left foot forward, turn the back heel down for your one. Hold here.


On the inhale extend the left leg exhale clamps into a fist. Inhale reach down the back leg keep hips and shoulders squaring exhale then left knee crown of head towards the end step side of the left foot reaching arms away from the back.


On the inhale release the hands to the floor. Feel straight in both legs on the inhale sneak the back foot in prepare for gender shingles, pull the left exhale fold forward. The variation if you took it on the first side is to walk the hands forward and press the palms into the floor like you're taking it down, we're done.


So the yoga texts, the yoga sutras specifically and then later some of the Buddhist texts are very explicit about life the way to get people to stop lying to you is to stop lying to others the way to get people to stop, you know harming you is to stop doing harmless harm to others. We're all pretty good at that industry like you know, if you're here in this room, you're all. You know, then the left knee looks forward. First link in the spine then fold forward. Step back to a long lunge exhale right knee to the mat point right now flexing the left foot start to extend the left leg on your feet. Yeah.


Exhale bending the left knee shift away into a lunge pose. For lizard.

Inhaling hands to the floors exhale reach the left leg up and back towards split turn the left toward out to the side and flex the left foot so you're. Each other. on the next inhale step the left foot outside of the left hand. Shoulder. Your hands on the.
Three take the right wrist with the left hand. Should be on the floor. There's steps to everything you know, there's like step one step two step three like first date second day, you know, you don't skip just like to the third date right away hands to the floor or do you know? Exhale all the way back to downward facing dog. Or if you like arduous soon that the third date isn't even possible that they're like way out of your leave then maybe just don't even go on the first day right a little.
Up inhale look forward. To the legs and lift the belly button up then.

Even here keep it. Lifting up out of the.

On the inhale lengthen the spine look forward hands to the floor turn the hands around so that the fingertips point towards the wall behind you and then walk the hands through your legs curl your spine and look up at your tailbone. Inhaling walk the hands forward lengthen the spine exhale walk the feet in about 12 inches closer toes still pointing in bend both of your knees and wedge the right shoulder behind your right knee and your left shoulder. And then pushing the knees back extending the legs. Forward. If that's going well you can clasp the hands at the base of the spine.


Soften the knees walk the hands forward the length and the spine mm-hmm he'll tell your feet so that they're now six inches apart only soften your knees this time wrap your arms around outside of your legs. Feed your hands through your shins grab onto your. S and then extending the legs, pull the crown of the head through the shins.


Release the head. Walk your feet all the way together. Tuck your chin onto your chest. In fact. Clasp your hands at the base of your skull and let the weight of the arms keep the head down as you roll up. Softening that the chins down the chest until the absolutely very last.

Turn to face the front of the mat stagger yourself. Step the feet as wide as the mat bend the knees and come into a squatting position, but we're not gonna stay here so just bend the knees yeah and then lift your feet up halfway like the same height as your knees. Take your arms through your legs and press your hands down behind your heels fingertips.Like chapter make a shelf for yourself to sit on bend elbows bend. Lift the tail. Good. Okay seats to the floor. Extend both legs forward flex the feet and fold forward for possible firefly, tittibhasana.


No based on this understanding of karma. Right, what's the way to either get or keep? A relationship in your life right that's up to you like I can tell you, you know what I've read from studying but it's up to each of us to like work out the logic of karma and figure it out and then see if it works test it be like a scientist in your own life is that thing that girl was saying is that really true that if I stop lying to people.


I'm gonna test it for one week. I'm like gonna watch that and see how that functions.

So where to start with relationships first start by protecting and honoring other people's relationships starting with the most obvious like don't you know? Message boyfriends husband why? You know, you don't even flirt you know, because that's like kind of mentally doing the same thing, right? I know came down hard right and passionate all the way up to a seated position. Yeah, you can stagger or you can turn to face the wall everyone turned to face the right hand side that way we're organized. Clasp the big toes and yoga and then fold forward, upavista konasana


So like in all of these cases you start with like the biggest most glaring things first and then you get more and more subtle so you start with the lake. I'm sure most of us in this room aren't like, you know. Doing like a really bad stuff anymore, right?

But then you go like well am I like talking behind their bat like am I saying like oh why is she with that guy that guy's you know too good for her not good enough for her am I like, you know gossiping about other people's relationships in that way.

And then if you've got that cleared up then you go of the next level subtler, right? And my mentally cheating on celebrity couples. Am I. Certain. Celebrities that are currently involved my imagining them. Sometime okay turn to face the front of the room. Together knees apart. Hypothetically, hypothetically full. For not saying that you all are you know any of you are doing?And then when mass cleared up and you've practiced that a little while then it's like how even more subtle can I get right like? Is using plastic bags like, you know, killing penguin mothers and fathers and like splitting them apart well okay, then that's where I work so at whatever little level of several tea you're working there's always like a layer deeper in your mind and your words and your actions that you can refine refine refine.

And remember this that the results is absolute happiness, so it's kind of worth working for okay lift up to a seated position take the feet. Second position mm-hmm pull on your ankles to lengthen the lower back so without to the side flex the toes out to the side if you need a visual right here in front, okay, good grab onto your. Ankle that's. Fine to the right arm up and back this should be vaguely familiar at this point. Stay like this or take the bind behind the back. Keep the right hip relaxing out to the side. Inhaling press the left hand down reach the right arm up, exhale grab onto both ankles, pull on the ankles to sit up tall. Inhale thread the right arm under the right leg reach the left arm up and back. Stay here or take the bind notice. I was have a tendency to like grip my left hip here as if that could somehow like take some of the pressure off the right hip, so make sure.

Healing press the right hand down left the left arm up exhaling grab onto the ankles, pull. Good. Turn the feet forward feet flat to the floor, but they stay mat distance apart. Thread the left arm under the left side. Try to wedge the left shoulder all the way up under there.And this towards the back of the room. And then do the same thing with the right arm. Fingertips towards the back of the room. Oh, yeah. Burgess lied the heels forward. Majest towards the floor for. The up. Ward.


Slowly lift up unthread the arms. Yeah good take the feet like you're going to take baddhakonasana again. This time.


Yoga. Watch out for your neighbors and extend your legs out to the side for balancing.


Chest forward shoulders back.


Beautiful. Whoa. Holding out on me, huh?


Keep the hands on the toes, bring the legs together for balancing us. Yeah, so push the toes towards the crease between the wall and the ceiling and then pull your chest towards your toes. No bending now was out to the side draw the forehead towards the shins.

54:41 navasana.


The belly button into the body's conventional belly button and. Hmm.


To the floor separate the feet six inches hands behind the back tabletop lift up.


Flip the fingers around.


Exhaling release the seat to the floor then the knees into the chest cross right angle over left. Press straight down into the floor lift up and then make your way back to Chester. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale roll forward to a plank pose. Exhale lower the knees the chest and the chin to the mat.


Forward cobra hold here. Press the top to feet down lift the hands up lengthen the back of the neck. Of the elbows as if they could touch behind the back.


Release the hands released the forehead or chin to the floor. Keep the tops of the feet pressing down. Clasp of the hands into a fist behind the back. Then the elbows a little bit so that you can bring the palms and wrists together. And then as you extend.


The pressing down lift everything from the belly button up.


Exhale slowly release.


Inhaling both knee. Exhale reach back and grab the ankle. On the inhale lift everything up done your awesome.


Slowly release.


Hands to the floor under the shoulders lift all the way up to.


Numb we're facing. You then? You feel bend your knees, look at your hands. You're gonna have to knees to land behind the wrists so land on your shins, yes hands to your hips.


Under of your little tighter in the lower back. If you're a little more open. Pressel. And lace. Into the back. Need to start to lean back. You might be able to grab your heels or your. Any of the pelvis pressing forward.




On the inhale hands to the his lift up. Exhaling cross your ankles behind you sit behind your feet and lay down on your back feet flat. Sit bone distance. Starting at half wheel lifting up the hips middle back upper back the hands into a fist behind the back.


Release the hands slowly release down. Place the hands either side of the ears. Inhale lift everything up.


Lift the chin into the chest slowly release. Keep the feet on the floor, please.


Place the hands out of side of the ears. Exhale. Inhale lift up.


Tuck the chin into the chest slowly lower keep the feet on the floor.


Place the hands last one. Exhale. Inhale lift all the way up.


Lift the chin into the chest. Slowly release down.


Now, you can draw your knees into your chest.


Lengthen the whole spine onto the floor, so let the tailbone. Is relaxed.


Take a twist knees over to the left arms into a tee look over your right shoulder.

Knees into the chest or the other way.

Bring the knees into the chest and set yourself up for shoulder stand practice, so you can just swing your legs right over your head or you can set up blankets.

If you're not taking shoulder stand, you can put a block behind your sacrum and send the legs straight up. You need extra blankets or blocks just you know, ring your call button and I'd be happy to bring you some my kids or peanuts or. Magazines, maybe.


So then how do you keep the karma going for the awesome relationship you already have?


I don't know but I've been told.


The big relationship talk you say. Honey, we need to talk about our relationship. And you know what that usually means right that usually means like let me tell you about all the ways that you've disappointed me and all the ways that I wish you would change. But instead of having that relationship talk you have the exact opposite relationship talk like.


How are you what can I do for you? What can I do to make you happier in the relationship yeah. Not in like a doormat kind of way, it doesn't mean doormat at all.


It just means stop dwelling in the irritation of it like stopped dwelling in the irritation about the underwear in the sink or something. And you know, I combined that was mixing metaphors. I think.


The way.


You say like despite underwear in the kitchen sink, you know. Doing that annoys you.


And then the karma follows one way or another. And you know.


So either that relationship gets perfected or you know, the other the the other relationship comes along and and that one has the karma in it right because there's always a time lapse with karma. Which makes it so hard to understand why like. You know an action nine months ago has anything to do within you know.With a result that takes place later.I have a teacher who says like you know, if your arm broke the minute that you squished a cockroach, you would like to never do it again or you know, maybe one other time just to test but. If the karmic correlations were that instant then it would be obvious we would never do the kinds of things we do Flex the feed bring the toes behind the head for clouds. And then pointing the toes and the knees around the ears. Now, you're welcome to reach the arms around the legs and grab a hold of your ears. Through your yep, but like we did when we were standing wrap them around and then grab your ears.And then releasing the arms to the floors slowly roll onto the back.Take a moment to remove your padding unfold the mat. Take matseyasana, fish pose. so lifting up the chest. Crown of head to the floor.


Lift the chin into the chest. Slowly release. Roll over and come into a child's pose. There are steps so. As Sharon would say. It's more advanced to take the steps and to set up slowly than it is to like hike yourself up or do a fancy thing. Class the hands into a fist Palms and rest touching. Forms to the floor elbows no wider than the shoulders. Nestle the crown of your head to the floor are actually closer to your hairline to be honest. Nestle your hairline to the floor right behind your wrists. Then tuck the toes under extend the legs lifting the knees off the floor. Stay like this or start to tiptoe a little closer start fry bringing one knee into the chest. You might be working there today, that's totally cool then bring other neat into the chest if you're ready. Can rotate the knees all the way up to the ceiling if you've got them both up there. Don't hop. Ing is like bringing an engagement ring to the first date, don't do it illegal. Okay, it takes time it takes like it's a process to learn this new relationship with the earth right you're not used to being up. So honor that process honor the like first date second date six months year, you know. Took me a year to even take a toe off the floor. All the way together. Yep and then nestle your hairline right to the floor. And then lift the knees off the floor good stay there or you can start to tiptoe a few inches in. But you might want to stay with toes on the floor today, so you get used to that yeah. So if you need to rest that's that's perfectly alright, but then. But then once you've rested go ahead and try some version of it again, even if you keep your toes on the floor. Even taking a downward facing dog, so that your strengthening the shoulders and arms getting used to being upside down. That's good breathe breathes. Yeah, you can do those nice dolphins dives.

Slowly make your way into a child's pose.


And then make your way into shavasana.


Start to Deepen the breath. Start to bring movement into the fingers and toes.

Bring the feet to the floor make your way onto your right side. And come on up to a seated position.

Set up as seat for a meditation practice so sitting on a blanket or block

At the tailbone root into the earth. Your connection with all other beings on this planet.

Crown of the head lengthening towards the ceiling opening to the sky.

Be still. And bring the awareness to the very tip of the nose.

Without controlling or changing the breath. Watch as the body breathes.



Thank you all for this beautiful opportunity to practice together. Thanks for your patience and your hard work and your sense of humor. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. And thanks to Kirsten for amazing music

Please feel free to come say hi and you know get to know Kirsten and there's CDs available at the front if you're interested in taking a piece of her home with you. Good night everyone. Thanks.