Teaching the Jivamukti Yoga Focus of the Month

The Jivamukti Yoga Focus of the Month is a monthly essay written by an Advanced Jivamukti Yoga teacher. This tradition was started by co-founders Sharon Gannon and David Life as a way to give some inspiration and direction to the practice itself. Each month focuses on some aspect of practice or yoga philosophy and gives teachers and students an opporunity to investigate some aspect of yoga more deeply.

I’ve created a series of videos of my initial thoughts and reactions to the themes of the focus of the month. Of course over the course of a month I will come up with many ideas to shape my classes around, these videos are just a glimpse into my process and hopefully could serve as a starting point for other teachers to find their own little inspirations for teaching!

Jivamukti Focus of the Month, Collective Change written by Karina Kibsgaard. Reflections by Jessica Stickler

Jivamukti Focus of the Month, Novelty and Practice written by Jules Febre. Reflections by Jessica Stickler

February 2025
Collective Change

This focus of the month was written by Karina Kibsgaard on Collective Change. The focus touches on right action with concern for the welfare of all, as well as building and strenthening community in these challenging times.
“The Different Drum” M Scott Peck
”Garland of Forest Flowers” Swami Nirmalananda
”How we Show Up” Mia Birdsong


January 2025
Novelty as Practice

The original piece can be read here: Jivamuktiyoga.com
A wonderful focus of the month with lots to chew on for teachers and students alike. Some of the readings I referenced are
“A Field Guide to getting Lost” Rebecca Solnit
”The Artists’ Way” Julia Cameron
“Outfox the Algorithms! One Man’s Quest to Live Absolutely Free” by Bruce Grierson