Why Opt for Private Yoga Sessions?

Are you considering starting yoga, but you feel self conscious to start in a group? Are you an experienced yoga practitioner, but you need your yoga practice to fit your schedule? Recovering from or learning how to work with an injury or change in your body? Private yoga sessions might be something to consider….

Here are some benefits of private yoga sessions compared to group classes:

  1. Personalized attention: In a private session, the instructor can provide tailored and customized attention to the individual's needs, goals, and abilities.

  2. Flexibility: Private sessions can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for the individual, and the pace and focus of the session can be adjusted as needed.

  3. Specific needs: A private session can be designed to address specific physical, emotional or mental needs, injuries or conditions.

  4. Confidence building: A private session can provide a safe and non-intimidating environment for individuals who are new to yoga or who are self-conscious in a group setting.

  5. Deeper understanding: The one-on-one interaction with an instructor can facilitate a deeper understanding of the practice and provide guidance on how to apply the principles of yoga to daily life.

  6. Progress tracking: A private session allows the instructor to give feedback on the individual's progress and make adjustments to their practice accordingly.

Now private lessons are also available remotely, through video conference sessions. This adds additional benefits as its easier to schedule as well as cutting down on travel time for you and for the instructor.